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For one, thank youuu!!!! I'm glad you read and (hopefully) enjoyed this fic.

A lot of things have changed from my original plans of the story. Tamaki was originally going to stay in captivity for longer, Mirio was going to be way more hands on in saving him, Sir Nighteye was gonna be here.
BUUUUT I got impatient, I didn't wanna wait that long, and I didn't have enough ideas to stretch it out for even longer, so I decided to just cut to the chase and have Tamaki come back.
Sure, did the story suffer because of it? Maybe, but writing a story for so long is a commitment and I have commitment issues, and a severe lack of motivation to write anything.


I wanted to show you all the notes I jotted down since WAAYYYY before I even thought about writing a full story about it. It was all started from a conversation I had with my friend and she said "What if Tamaki never became a hero and Mirio had to save him from, like, I dunno, kidnapping" a few things have changed from when I wrote them down, but since I started writing it, I never edited the notes. Enjoy

-basic concept: Tamaki and Mirio are childhood friends (duh) but at one point Tamaki gets kidnapped and then they start realizing how much stupid they were and realize they love each other

-Tamaki was kidnapped Mirio's first day at U.A (Tamaki didn't get in)

-Mirio is in so much denial with his gayass self and thinks the way he feels for Tamaki is platonic for the longest time

-Mirio meets Nejire after passing out during a training class.

-Every. Single. Person. Realized that Tamaki and Mirio were in love with each other WAY before they did, even Nejire and shes never even met Tamaki.

-blank (whatever I wrote here got deleted and I dont remember what it was but I'm pretty sure it's about someone asking Mirio if he's gay, it might've been Sir Nighteye)

-Nejire also asks if Mirio is gay, but that's before (?) does and she's one of the people who make him realize his feelings for Tamaki.

-Tamaki and Mirio are given phones by Tamaki's parents because they often went off without telling anyone where they were, it was for saftey but the two of them still rarely told people where they go off to all the time.

- Kirishima is in there probably?

-I Might use him idk

-Mirio and Tamaki use to kiss platonically (it happens at LEAST once) when they were younger, that's important maybe?

-Tamaki has always been in love with Mirio from the beginning, it takes Mirio a while to realize he liked him back.

-Tamaki had planned to tell Mirio how he felt about him on the day he got kidnapped, but he messed up and friendzoned himself.

-Tamaki has been kept in a basement for the past two years as free labor along with a kid named Cecil, a Irish 10yo that their kidnappers found at an airport.

-Tamaki would have tried to escape more if he didn't feel so bad for Cecil. If he were going to escape, he'd only do it if Cecil was with him and Tamaki never found the opportunity for it.

-His kidnappers quickly found out Tamaki's quirk after a few of his escape attempts, so they only ever fed him the bare minimum so he wouldn't be able to manifest anything.

-I want Nejire to panic, or at least have an "oh shit" moment, idk how, but I want it to happen

-Mirio meets Midoriya before he gets One For All and before UA and they have a nice bestieship, just because I love them

-Yuyu and Nejire are girlfriends, fite me

-Mirio unknowingly meets Tamaki's kidnappers at one point but he doesn't know, and kicks himself later for it (just to infuriate people)

‐Mirio meets Cecil before he sees Tamaki again

We hate love to see it

- I want Tamaki's family involved somehow, cause obviously, their son has been kidnapped, they're gonna HAVE to be around

- Everyone loves Mirio and honestly, who blames them

- I might actually write a fanfic about this, look at me, I've never actually written one before

- I love Children acting more mature than the older people around them so that might completely shape Cecil as a character

- I love kid characters, I need to be stopped

{COMPLETE} Should Have Realized Sooner [Miritama]Where stories live. Discover now