12. Oh Tamaki

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Let's all be honest here, Tamaki's life wasn't exactly going as he had originally planned. What he had planned was to get into U.A, train to be a hero, succeed, and die an honourable death while doing his hero work or maybe even get the chance to retire. No, Tamaki didn't even make it to the first step, he failed the U.A entrance exam and he might've even applied to a different school if it meant he still became a hero, but he never even got the chance. You might already know where this starts, that day he went missing, Mirio's first day at U.A, and the morning Tamaki had planned to confess his feelings to Mirio.

Now, you and I also already know what happened that morning, Tamaki walked Mirio to school, Tamaki asked Mirio if he were still worthy of him, and Mirio reluctantly let Tamaki go to school, what you might not know is that that wasn't the conversation Tamaki had originally planned to have with Mirio. Tamaki had originally planned on asking if Mirio liked him back but Tamaki panicked and friend-zoned himself.

Tamaki slowly walked to the train station after that awkward conversation and started planning ahead, he had already anticipated being late for school since U.A was a pretty big detour, so he wasn't in a rush. He had convinced himself that he would probably have the chance to talk to Mirio after school and clear things up. Yeah. Tamaki pulled out his phone and started typing out a message to Mirio but was quickly stopped by a hand grabbing the back of Tamaki's school bag, he was dragged off the main street and into an alley, and a second person pointed a gun at him.

"Hey, kid," the man who grabbed him sneered. "Shouldn't you be in school right now?"

Tamaki internally panicked but he kept his composure, for the most part, only slightly shaking and barely manage to speak. "I-I'm late, I-I was hea-headed there n-now,"

"Oh, You were were you?" The first man spoke again. "Man, that's too bad because we thought you were going to help us with something,"

"H-Help?" Tamaki stuttered.

"Yea," the man with the gun said, shaking the gun threateningly but it just looked like he saw it as a cheap toy. "Yer gonna come an' help at our shop," he said smiling, large, fake, and vaguely threatening.

"Uh-um, s-sorry, I'm no-not really- ex-actly l-looking for a jo-job right n-now," Tamaki spluttered out, attempting to inch away from the pair of them. The gun was then pressed painfully against Tamaki's forehead and he immediately froze.

"Oh, that's too bad, 'cause," the man with the gun got close to Tamaki's face. "You don't have a choice," Tamaki was soon knocked out after that remark and he never made it to school that day.


Tamaki later woke up, in what he assumed was a basement, tied to a chair and with a throbbing headache. He looked around and spotted his phone and school bag in the corner of the room, a small window he could probably squeeze through if he tried hard enough, and large crates, bins, and other storage things scattered around the room. Tamaki was probably only in the room while awake for half an hour, but it felt painfully longer than that. He had neglected to eat breakfast and forgot his lunch that morning due to him rushing out of the house and he had no idea what time it was or how long he had been there so he didn't have any hope of utilizing what he had for dinner the night before, he didn't have anything in his system for his quirk.

When his captors finally came in to check on him, there was someone new with them and the tall man who previously held a gun wasn't with them.

"Hi there," the new man greeted, a strangely kind aura to him for someone who was associated with those who kidnapped him. "My names Tooru Kinomoto and this behind me is my buddy Jin, what's your name?" He asked kindly, still unnerving considering the situation.

"Does it matter?" Tamaki said gruffly, trying to put up at the very least a verbal fight despite his lack of physical prowess. Make your bark powerful enough that you don't have to show how pitiful your bite is. "Why am I here?"

The man, Kinomoto, chuckled. Mostly to himself. "That's cute," he said, abruptly getting close to Tamaki's face, smile never quavering. "Don't try kid, I already know how much of an easy and pitiful mark you were to nab, you can't be high and mighty when you're literally tied to a chair,"

"What do you want," Tamaki asked more directly, not wanting to back down for some reason that his brain was screaming at him to stop for.

"We just wanna know if you'd be useful to us,"

"Useful?" Tamaki questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, to see if you can do the jobs we want you to do with little to no difficulty," Kinomoto said, back to being his kind and not so intimidating, first impression self.

"What do you want me to do?" Tamaki asked tentatively, his brave facade slowly fading.



Tamaki groggily woke up to the sound of yelling. He vaguely registered Jin sitting in the far corner of the room on the phone and atop a crate he's openly admitted that he feels like a king anytime he sits on it.

"No! We're not selling them!"

Tamaki felt too worn out to get up and tell him to shut up so he just laid on the floor and listened to the conversation in hopes that Jin's angry yelling will lull him back to sleep.

"The kids are too important to our operations and without one, the other is useless!"


"No, you can't have both of them!"


"Listen, the little one only sticks around and does what we say because of the gloomy teen, if you take the teen, the kid won't do anything and'll just book it out of here and if you take the kid then our whole operation collapses and we'll have to deal with a half-dead gloom parade,"


"No we don't have any more kids, kidnap your own!"


"Whatever, we'll be at the festival Saturday, I'll argue with you more when I see you then,"

Jin abruptly hung up and stormed out of the room, leaving Tamaki with a bunch of questions. Who was on the phone? Why were he and Cecil special interests? Did Cecil really do what he does for his sake? Was there a possibility that he and Cecil were just going to be sold like some cheap goods?

Tamaki silently brought up questions until he eventually passed out due to the lack of energy he had in the first place, no amount of anxious adrenaline could keep him up for too long.

Tamaki silently brought up questions until he eventually passed out due to the lack of energy he had in the first place, no amount of anxious adrenaline could keep him up for too long

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