13. Look Who's At The Festival

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"Isn't this wonderful Tamaki?" Cecil asked giddily, breathing in the fresh air of the outdoors. "You haven't been outside in forever!"

Tamaki kept his head ducked down, his bangs covering his face like curtains as he looked around anxiously. "You haven't been out either," he stated absentmindedly, preoccupied with observing his surroundings.

"Well, yeah, duh," Cecil said, waving a hand dismissively. "But I've been closer then you've ever been, you haven't left the basement for over a year!"

Tamaki tensed, pausing for a moment as the words washed over him before bring roughly jabbed in the back.

"Keep walking," Jin, one of their captors growled, pushing passed him.

Tamaki whimpered and drifted closer to Cecil as they walked through the festival and past a plethora of different booths, painfully aware of at least one set of his captors eyes on them at all times.

"We're still kidnapped y'know," Tamaki mumbled, slouching lower so Cecil could hear him better. Not that he actually needed to but he felt like he must.

"Yeah but this is better then nothing!" He cheered, suddenly running over to a food cart with a bunch of candied fruit. Practically drooling the sight, Cecil pulled at Tamaki's sleeve eagerly. "Look at these!"

"I can't... eat, Cecil," Tamaki kept his voice low so the stall owner didn't hear but that didn't stop another customer to hear and turn to talk to them.

"What was that?" She asked, her volume unnecessarily high and Tamaki winced at the sound.

Cecil took this as an opportunity and put on his best "starving puppy" face as he shuffled closer to the young woman. "I was just thinking that I haven't candied fruit in sooo long," he confessed, Tamaki almost threatening a smile since he new exactly what Cecil was trying to do and he saw right through it.

"Awwwe," the girl coos, leaning down to get closer to boys face. "Really? That's so sad,"

"I know right?" Cecil agreed enthusiastically, breaking character for a moment before immediately putting is biggest puppy-dog eyes he could muster back in place.

The girl smiled kindly, clearly seeing though his facade but still giving in anyway. "Do you not have money for it?" She asked, directing the question at Tamaki, clearly electing him as the "responsible" one between the two of them.

"I- uh-" Tamaki, taken aback by suddenly being addressed, frantically looked around for any sign of their captors where there strangely was none.

"None!" Cecil yelled, dramatically flailing his arms around.

The girl laughed heartily, her hair bouncing quite unnaturally, and smiled mischievously. "Ok, what're your names?"

"I'm Cecil Nevitt!" He said proudly, puffing his chest out.

The girl laughed again. "That's a nice one, sounds a little familiar..." she said thoughtfully, before focusing her attention on Tamaki again. "How about you?"

He shifted uncomfortably, if he were bad with social interactions before, being kidnapped definitely didn't improve it. "I- um- I'm T-"


The three of them (and a few bystanders) looked over to see a girl with short pink hair and a boy with black, curtain like hair waving and making their way over. They had their arms over flowing with miscellaneous things and it was a miracle they had been able to wave in any way.

"Ah, Yuyu! Ei-chan!" The girl (Nejire?) exclaimed, reaching over to the other girl with pink hair (Yuyu?) and releaving her of some of the things in her arms, leaving the boy (Ei?) to continue to struggle himself.

{COMPLETE} Should Have Realized Sooner [Miritama]Where stories live. Discover now