14. Lost and Found... Most Of You

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Eijirou knew it was going to be hard to both look for someone and also entertain another while trying not to let that person look around with him. It was even harder then he had originally thought because almost everytime he tried to take a moment to look around, Mirio noticed and asked what he was doing.

He sort of just silently worried and hoped that the girls had it covered as he occupied Mirio's time. Eijirou had all but given up on finding Tamaki himself when someone harshly (potentially purposefully) bumped into him as they walked by.

"Watch where your going fuck face," the guy growled angrily as Eijirou threw annoyed glace over his shoulder at him.

There was another boy with the angry blonde who looked at his friend in horror. "K-kachan!" He squeaked before looking at Eijirou apologetically. "I'm sorry, that's just the way he speaks to people,"

"Shut up Deku!" The blonde yelled, holding his palm in what was presumably a threat which worked on the other boy who flinched.

Eijirou had planned to let it go and walk away, which he and Mirio started to do until he overheard a snippet of their conversation.

"Kachan, do you really think that guy from before was really doing okay?"

"Who cares?! Plus, the brat with him just said he was overwhelmed,"

"Yeah, but-"

"Wait!" Eijirou called out to them without thinking, quickly turning back around to see them both looking at him, the kinder one looking well and shocked and the other looked properly annoyed.

"Yes?" The nicer of the two spoke before the other had the chance.

"Have you guys run into this little kid with orangey blonde hair and an emo looking teen teen together around here?" Eijirou asked desperately.

"They're over by that shitty Takoyaki stand near the outskirts," the blonde said impatiently, pointing over their heads.

Eijirou glanced to see and spotted the only Takoyaki stand in the area, he spun back around and bowed deeply. "Thank you!" He said, probably a little too aggressively, and started running over there.

"Ei-chan!" Mirio called and Eijirou stopped dead in his tracks, almost causing him to be run into. "What was that all about?" He asked, tilting his head, and Eijirou felt indescribably guilty for not bring able to tell him.

"Togata, I'm sorry, but I'll be right back, stay here," Eijirou pleaded desperately and when he was sure Mirio wouldn't follow after him, he continued is way to the Takoyaki stand.

That's where he ran into the girls again.

"Ei-chan, where's-"

"Togata's back there," Eijirou breathed, vaguely gesturing over his shoulder. "How'd you two know how to look over here?"

"A blonde sickly looking skeleton guy said he saw them over here," Yuyu explained, looking around for the two boys. "But I don't see-"

"There!" Nejire practically screamed, pointing to a slightly less crowded area a few meters away with Cecil standing in the middle of it with his back turned to them.



Ok, I know a I've gotten the past few chapters out pretty close to one another but it might take a while for the next one to come out because the previous four were pre written and released whenever unlike how I normally post which is "post once I'm finished it"   sorry, but I'm no where near done the next chapter so it might take a while

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