11. What Happened That Day

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"Soooo," Eijirou drawled, waving his hand in a vague gesture to gather his words. "Your U.A best friend, after almost a year of tournament you with teasing about your first best friend being your boyfriend, you finally cave, realize you liked him, and this unlocked a memory of you LEGITIMATELY kissing him?"

"Mmmmmmmm yeah," Mirio confirmed after a moments hesitation. "That's the gist of it!"

Eijirou sighed. "And you, not once, never saw Tamaki as anything more than a friend before that?"

"Well," Mirio put a finger to his chin and thought for a moment. "There was a time when we were getting dressed one day and-"

"Woah woah... woah," Eijirou interrupted desperately. "I'm gonna stop you right there, I REALLY don't need to hear the perverted thoughts of my senpai about his potentially in danger boyfriend," he spoke rapidly, patting his cheeks as if that could wash away any dirty feelings or calm the sudden heat of his blush.

"It's not my fault!" Mirio defended. "He is very-"

"Idontwannahearit!" Eijirou snapped, quickly putting his hands over Mirio's mouth to silence him. "Jeez Togata-San, some would've thought SOMETHING would have clued you in, like, honestly," he sighed. "Taking just a second glance at any and all of your relationship with him should be a dead give away,"

Mirio grabbed a fistful of his hair and gently pulled it in frustration. "I've been looking at my relationship with Tamaki everything spare moment of every day, trust me, no one is more frustrated about this than me," he groaned.

"Hah, maybe Tamaki himself?" Eijirou chuckled and Mirio's head shot up to give him a quizzing look.

"What do you mean?" He asked, understandably confused by the remark.

"Maybe Tamaki is just as frustrated that you didn't realize sooner," Eijirou explained.

"That's... Tamaki doesn't like me, all I said was that I found out I like him," Mirio said, almost offended on behalf of his disappeared friend.

"Oh please," Eijirou scoffed, smirking knowingly. "I, out of everyone you know, know the least about Tamaki and you're relationship and even with the little info I do I have, can confidently tell you that the feelings are mutual,"

"I... how could you possibly know,"

"Well, your eyes are clouded by your long-standing relationship with him and thinking it's all platonic so you don't take obvious clues as anything more than cute things Tamaki does," Kirishima explained helpfully (kind of) "You described the day you two kissed and from my perspective is sounded like he was about to confess his more than friendly feelings before his dad interrupted," he concluded confidently.

"You... you really think so?" Mirio asked hopefully.

"Togata-san," Eijirou addressed, if a bit smugly. "I may be dumb, but I'm not stupid,"

The two boys laughed together for a good couple of hours that day, eventually able to break the topic of Tamaki at one point and just having a basic enjoyable day together. When they did part ways, Mirio had opted not to head straight home and decided he'd walk around and enjoy the rest of the day before the sun went down.

As he wandered around the city, his mind wandered too and it was a miracle he never bumped into anyone when like this cause he was emersed in his thoughts.

Mirio had, for a while now, been trying to remember what happened that day Tamaki disappeared. Tried remembering why his brain didn't want him to know. Nothing seemed to work. Walking the same route as that morning, standing in front of the U.A gates, even Nejire stood there with him trying to act the way she imagined Tamaki would act. Admittedly, that last one was a bit stupid and Mirio wasn't surprised that it didn't work, but that didn't make it any less frustrating.

{COMPLETE} Should Have Realized Sooner [Miritama]Where stories live. Discover now