10. They Like Eachother?

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Nejire knew exactly what was wrong the moment she saw Mirio the night before their first day back at school. It's always about Tamaki she had mused to herself, though she'd never dare say it out loud in case it made Mirio worsen. She went around early in the morning the next day, explaining to teachers that Mirio was going through a rough time and to lay off him for a while or at least the day so he was very surprised when he got there and none of the teachers sought him out like they use to.

Of course, Mirio quickly found out why this was rather quickly when Midnight came up to him halfway through the day and explained that Nejire told everyone that he was going through some stuff and asked if she or any of the other faculty members could help. He quickly explained the situation to her, how he hadn't properly been dealing with his emotions after a traumatic event until almost exactly a year later where it hit him like a brick wall (leaving out key details like what that traumatic event was). Midnight simply nodded, double-checked that he didn't want to talk about it at all, then went off to do whatever she was going to do (presumably give the rest of her coworkers more insight on his issue)


"Come on man, she's just looking out for you," Yuyu chuckled, playfully punching Mirio in the arm.

"Yeah, I was just letting you sulk about your boyfriend in peace," Nejire stated plainly, a devilish smirk playing on her lips.

"Are we really doing this right now?" Mirio asked, looking between the two girls, a very unimpressed look on his face.

"Look, I know you're grieving," Nejire said, putting a hand over her heart in mock concern. "But think that what you really haven't come to terms with is how much you're in love with him,"

Mirio didn't say anything, he took note of Yuyu trying, and failing, to suppress her laughter and the smug, knowing look on Nejire's face. He thought (he does that a lot) and tried to find any evidence in the past that might prove Nejire's insistent pride that he was in love with Tamaki without even realizing it. When he actually found something, his stomach dropped, he knew he'd have to admit it to the girls next to him.

(Continuation of flashback in chap 5)

"I was talking to my dad yesterday," Mirio said.

"Understandably, you two live in the same house," Tamaki joked.

"Oh har har, that was a setup, I had a point," Mirio rolled his eyes.

"Sorry, sorry," Tamaki chuckled lightly. "Continue,"

"We talked about my mom," Mirio said and Tamaki's expression shifted.

"Oh..." Tamaki murmured.

"He told me a story of when they were younger," Mirio added, swaying to one side and falling off the swing. Tamaki jumped up off his swing too and went to help him up.

"What was the story?" Tamaki asked, pulling Mirio up onto his feet.

"It was about their first kiss," Mirio answered, brushing himself off and started walking off.

"Their first kiss?" Tamaki questioned, following after him.

"Yeah, the two of them met in high school and kissed the summer after they met," Mirio said, leading Tamaki forward.

"Okay?" Tamaki mumbled awkwardly.

"I don't really remember my mom," Mirio said, unintentionally speeding up his pace causing Tamaki to almost trip over his feet to keep up.

{COMPLETE} Should Have Realized Sooner [Miritama]Where stories live. Discover now