8. Repression

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"Ei-chan~" Mirio sang, basically floating over to the younger boy and collapsing onto his shoulders in an awkward-angled hug around his neck. "Would you be my little brother? I've always wanted one!" Mirio asked, happily swaying side to side, still with a firm grip and barely noticing the other's struggle under him.uu

"Uh-" Eijirou choked out, managing his best and wriggling out of Mirio's grip. "No, I'm good with being an only child," he laughed, subconsciously rubbing at his neck. "Plus, you're lucky I let you call me 'Ei-chan' at all,"

"Awe, but you're perfect brother material," Mirio pouted, pushing his cheeks together, making the pout more prominent. "And what else am I supposed to call you?" He asked, throwing his arms up in exasperation.

"I don't know, maybe actually remember my name?" Eijirou proposes hopefully.

"Eh, that's no fun," Mirio waved off and laughed heartedly as he watched Eijirou deflate at the response.

The two of them started walking, enjoying the comfortable silence and taking in their surroundings. Togata and Kirishima had started hanging out with one another twice a week over the break ever since they (literally) ran into each other in the mall. Nejire had gone to visit her grandparents on the other side of the country and Mirio and Yuyu weren't really close enough to hang out independent of Nejire. So Mirio had nothing to do. Eijirou admitted that he didn't really have many people to hang out with either and was more than happy to spend time with Mirio. For two very bright people, almost all of their encounters were very calm and tame in comparison to something Mirio might do with, say, Nejire. The two would just walk around, talk to each other about anything and everything, get to know each other more, and gradually becoming semi-close friends.

After a short walk, the two found themselves at a quaint little bench in front of a fountain and sitting there, pleasantly watching the water flow

After a short walk, the two found themselves at a quaint little bench in front of a fountain and sitting there, pleasantly watching the water flow

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"Are you excited, Togata-san?" Eijirou asked, snapping Mirio's attention to himself, leaning forward slightly, and tilting his head.

"Excited for what?" Mirio asked back, mirroring his mannerisms, leaning forward and tilting his head also.

"You go back to U.A tomorrow!" Kirishima practically exploded, throwing up his arms. "And it's been almost exactly a year since you've started, you're the type to be excited about that!"

"Ah, right" Mirio smiled, leaning back into the bench and throwing his head back. "A year since..." he trailed off, smile faltering.

'It's been a year since Tamaki disappeared' Togata's brain helpfully supplied.

Mirio abruptly sat upright, startling Eijirou beside him, not that he noticed since he was busy frantically looking around. He couldn't say he was actually looking at anything, his eyes just darted around aimlessly as his mind started reeling out of nowhere. Of course, Mirio thought about Tamaki all the time, but right now it was just... different.

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