7. Interrupted

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When Mirio and his fellow hero course classmates finished their first year at U.A, they all went out together to celebrate. Mirio is very charismatic but he sadly couldn't say that the charisma he carries around had given him any close friends, not including Nejire or Tamaki. Mirio had a good relationship with everyone, some of them were annoyed by or jealous of him in some way or another but that almost never dampened his reputation, he was the token likeable guy and his relationships supported that.

Even though he was on good terms with most people he only had about two real friends, one of which had been missing for quite a long time and the other was off somewhere with Yuyu, Nejire's best friend that she often compared to Tamaki in a way for Mirio to understand the relationship the two girls had with one another. Mirio was standing along the sidelines alone the entire evening and eventually, when they had all ventured to the mall at some point, he broke away from the group to walk around.

Not even a minute after Mirio walked away he had gotten a text from Nejire asking where he went. He smiled knowing his friend was good enough to realize his absence so soon after but he decided he wasn't going to go back just because of that, opting to walk around by himself for a while. Wandering around by himself tended to make his mind wander as well and when Mirio's mind wandered it almost always stumbled upon one specific topic.


"Come on, get a hold of yourself," Tamaki said, chuckling lightly to himself. He was sitting on the front steps of his house with his knees pulled in close to his chest as he watched the scene unfold in front of him right there on his lawn.

"Mirioooo," Tomoyo, Tamaki's little sister, whined as she ran circles around the boy, flailing her arms around to emphasize her frustration. "Back me up here!"

"I'm sorry Tomo-chan," Mirio laughed, spinning around in his spot in an attempt to keep eye contact with her. "I came over to spend time with your brother, we can play another time,"

Tomoyo finally stopped circling him, something Mirio internally thanked her for since he was starting to get dizzy, and pouted with her arms folded over her chest. "But you spend time with Tamaki all day EVERY day," she argued. "Why can't you spare some time for me-"

"Tomoyo?" Tamaki's mother, Tsukareta, called from the doorway. "Are you still bugging the boys? I thought I told you to leave them alone," she scolded halfheartedly. "Anyway, come in, Sakura is on the phone,"

"Okay!~" Tomoyo sang, immediately switching moods, skipping away from Mirio, roughly tapping Tamaki on the head as she passed him on the steps, and slamming the door behind her when she entered the home.

"Ow..." Tamaki said quietly, bringing a hand up to rub where Tomoyo had touched his head, still keeping his knees up and close to his chest.

Mirio never broke his gaze on Tamaki as he waddled over to him and basically collapsed beside him on the steps, lazily sprawling himself over them and resting his head on the topmost step. "Did that actually hurt?" He asked.

"Nah, only my pride," Tamaki chuckled softly.

"Haha, what pride?" Mirio laughed.

"Yeah, you're right," Tamaki said, looking away from him.

Mirio sat up slightly, propping himself up on his elbows. "Hey, no, I was kidding," Mirio attempted to remedy.

"I know, but still," Tamaki said, repositioning himself on his spot on the steps so he was facing Mirio more. Mirio did the same, pushing himself up a step and twisting his body toward Tamaki. The two of them looked at each other for a long moment, Tamaki seemed to be searching for something within Mirio's face and Mirio just sitting there, uncontrollably smiling at all the cute, different faces Tamaki made as he searched. At one point, Tamaki scrunched up his nose and perused his lips in concentration and Mirio couldn't help the laughter that bubbled out of him, knocking Tamaki out of his concentrated daze and getting him to jump slightly at the sudden outburst.

{COMPLETE} Should Have Realized Sooner [Miritama]Where stories live. Discover now