15. Cecil, My Favorite Plot Device

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"Cecil!" Nejire called out as the three of them ran up to the boy. Cecil turned around just as they reached him, looking surprised.

"Miss lady," He blinked at Nejire before glancing at the other two of them then shaking his head of the shock, suddenly looking solemn. "Is it true that you recognized us like Tamaki thought you did?" He asked, looking back in the direction he was staring at before they got there.

"Yeah, well, speaking of-"

"Where is Tamaki?" Eijirou asked, looking around for the teen.

"He's with them," Cecil pointed off into the crowd and at what appeared to be...

"Paramedics?" Yuyu questioned, shocked. "Why? What happened?"

"He kinda threw up and passed out after he told me why we ran," Cecil said sadly. "He's malnourished and dehydrated, he shouldn't have run at all,"

"Malnourished?" Yuyu whispered, horrified.

"You mean you two are being starved?" Nejire demanded, sounding just as rattled.

"Of course not, just Amajiki, I don't know why though," Cecil explained.

"Probably his quirk, do you not know what it is?" Nejire questioned.

"No, I don't know anything about him really, just his name and some guy he'd whimper about some guy he use to know," Cecil shrugged.

"Should we follow them?" Eijirou asked, pointing back at the paramedics who were now further away.

"Yeah," Yuyu nodded, starting her approach to the men with the stretcher, dragging Eijirou along with her.

"Come on, Cecil," Nejire urged kindly, stretching her hand out to the boy which he took easily. "You can ask me any questions about Amajiki-San and I'll answer them the best I can, okay?"

Cecil nodded simply and thought silently for a few moments of walking before looking back up at her curiously. "What's Tamaki's quirk?" He asked.

Nejire smiled at him as she thought for a second. "I think it was called something like 'Manifest'," she said, a hand on her chin in thought. "Whatever he eats, he can, to an extent, manifest it somewhere on his body,"

"Hm," Cecil hummed, nodding along with her. "That make sense, why they didn't let him eat much," he said sadly.

"Yes, I hate knowing something so horrible happened to a poor guy like him," Nejire replied dismally.

"Did you know Tamaki?" Cecil asked. "Before he was kidnapped?"

"No, never met him," Nejire answered quickly, shaking her head. "But a friend of mine was Amajiki's bestest friend," she said childishly.

"Mirio?" Cecil questioned, wide eyes still looking up at her curiously.

"Yeah..." Nejire nodded slowly. "Is he who Tamaki dreams about?" She asked gently.

"Yeah," Cecil nodded. "Were they really close?"

By that point, they had reached the edge of the crowd just as Tamaki was being loaded into an ambulance. Glancing around for Haya and Kirishima, who should've already been there, she was just about to answer the boy's question when she caught a glimpse of a particular person watching from the sidelines.

"Togata!?" Nejire exclaimed in surprise, clapping a hand over her mouth directly afterwards but it was too late. Mirio looked up at hearing his name and made his way over to the two of them once he recognized Nejire.

"Hadou-San!" He called as he stopped in front of them. "Do you know what happened here?" He asked, pointing a thumb over his shoulder at the ambulance.

"You didn't see who was on the stretcher?" Nejire asked incredulously.

"No I-" Mirio cut himself off and looked down, Nejire following his gaze and only now realizing Cecil had let go of her hand latched onto Mirio's instead. "Oh! And who are you little guy?" He asked, crouching down to be closer to the boy's level.

"Are you Mirio?" Cecil asked rather then answering the question.

"I am," Mirio nodded. "What's your name?" He asked more directly, smiling warmly at him.

Cecil didn't answer, instead, he just started dragging Mirio with him towards the ambulance.

"Woah- what are we doing?" Mirio asked, barely resisting the boy.

"Were riding in the ambulance," Cecil said simply.

"We're wha-" Mirio paused both his words and his movement, unintentionally pulling Cecil to a halt too. He turned around, very confused by everything happening that day and looked up at Nejire with an expression to match. "Did you just take my phone out if my poket?" He asked her incredulously.

"Ahh, you caught me," Nejire giggled, waiving his phone in front of them slightly. "I don't have Ei-chan's phone number, I'll just use your phone and we'll just meet you at the hospital,"

"Oh, okay, but do-" Mirio didn't get to finish before Cecil violently yanked him into walking with him again and Nejire immediately turned around walked away to find a quiet place to make a phone call, not at all emotionally ready to watch Mirio find out who was in the back of that ambulance.


Hi, I'm kinda planning on finishing this fic soon (I mean, obviously, Tamaki is literally RIGHT T H E R E) but I'm kinda having trouble with figuring out how I want to end it.
Because of this it might take... awhile until I actually get the next chapter out (let alone the ending) and I wanna hear from you.
I encourage you (I'm actually begging, please) to tell me what you might want to see happen or have any ideas at all.
I really don't want to have to discontinue this story because I really like it but if I have no ideas for it I can't really do much about it.

Thank you all and I'll see you later. Eventually.

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