2. If We're Forced Apart

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It was an interesting shift from Mirio's first week at U.A to his second. His first week he was optimistic, focused, and ready to learn. His second week he wasn't nearly as happy, he was often distracted, and clearly uninterested in the things around him. Now, Mirio wasn't 100% certain what happened but he was about 87% sure that he was hit and knocked out during one of their training sessions. Passing out gave great room for his mind to think even more and that brought him back to another memory of him and Tamaki.

"Togata-Kun!" Mirio heard and lifted his head to look at the source of the voice, he saw a group of his classmates standing by the classroom door waving at him. "We're gonna go play, you wanna join?"

Mirio smiled at them but shook his head. "No thanks, you guys go ahead," they all groaned at his response but soon filed out of the room.

Mirio quickly scanned the room and was happy to realize that he was one of the only people left in the room since most of them went outside already. He made his way over to the only other person in the room and harshly set his elbows on his desk, resting his head in his hands. "Tama-chan~" Mirio sang, getting Tamaki to jump in his seat and protectively bring his notebook, that Mirio didn't notice until now, to his chest.

 "Tama-chan~" Mirio sang, getting Tamaki to jump in his seat and protectively bring his notebook, that Mirio didn't notice until now, to his chest

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"M-mirio," Tamaki said, easing up once realizing who it was. "Don't scare me like that..." he muttered, embarrassed and looking away.

Mirio laughed and leaned in closer. "I'm surprised you're still here Tamaki," he admitted. "Don't your parents usually pick you up by now?"

"Oh, well," Tamaki looked back at Mirio but kept his head slightly lowered. "They're busy, I'm walking home on my own today," he explained.

"Great!" Mirio exclaimed, jumping up a bit and getting a questioning look from Tamaki. "Let's walk home together Tamaki," he demanded.

"Um, well, you're not gonna give me a choice anyway, are you?" Tamaki asked, reaching down to put his things away in his school bag.

"Not at all!" Mirio proclaimed, snagging Tamaki's arm and pulling him along just as he was finished gathering his stuff.

The two of them walked in silence for a bit, Mirio happily skipping along, arm and arm with Tamaki. About halfway to Tamaki's house, he slipped out of Mirio's grip and stopped walking. Mirio stopped a few paces in front of him and looked back at Tamaki.

"What is it Tamaki?" He asked.

Tamaki shifted uncomfortably in his spot, fidgeting with his hands and not looking at Mirio. "I, um" he started, bowing his head so his face was hidden by his bangs. "You should have gone to pay with the others," he murmured.

Mirio stepped closer to Tamaki and strained his ears to hear him. "What?" Mirio questioned, he heard what Tamaki said, he just didn't understand what the meant.

{COMPLETE} Should Have Realized Sooner [Miritama]Where stories live. Discover now