- prelude

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Freedom comes with having to live with the fact that everyone around you is gone.

And that was what Sirius Orion Black had to live with.

He was now out of Azkaban, and proven innocent to those he loved the most. But the one person he wanted to know it the most was gone.

He was transformed into his Animagus, Padfoot, and was trotting up a large hill in where a beautiful and ethereal tree stood proudly. He could see the fireflies circling the tree, and the figure of a woman.

Sirius made his way to the top of the hill, finding Althena Vespertine sitting by a small grave. He could see the tears in her eyes as she placed a kiss on the headstone that read Diana Seraphina Willamina Vespertine-Black.

She looked to him, "Sirius." She said in relief.

He walked to her and laid down, resting his head in her lap. She looked at the grave bleakly as she stroked his black fur, "Everybody is focused on the Potters, but nobody speaks of the fact that my sister also died that night. She almost had him if it weren't for Pettigrew."

Padfoot let out a whimper as he looked at the grave. He got up from her lap and curled up by the grave. Althena stood up, "I'll leave you two alone."

She walked down the hill, and apparited out of the field.

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