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December 21

The first thing Zoya Kien saw on her 16th birthday was the face of Fred Weasley staring down at her with a smile.

"Happy birthday." He said, "You're practically an old maiden!"

She stared up at him wide-eyed, "How long have you been watching me sleep?"

"Not long." He replied. 

She sat up in her bed and saw a very poorly wrapped present on the bed, "I assume that's for me?"

He nodded happily and gave the present to her. He watched her nervously as she unwrapped the present. Zoya stared down at the flashlight, "Freddie... do explain."

He got up from the bed and closed the blinds in the room, causing it to become dark. She picked up the flashlight and turned it on, "Face it towards the ceiling." He instructed. 

When she did so, she smiled at the sight of the photo Colin Creevy took of the two the day after the Yule Ball almost a year prior. Zoya had a giggly smile, while Fred was just staring at her in awe. In the moving photograph, Zoya's face fell when she realized Colin was taking a photograph, while Fred was joking with Colin about him capturing his good side. 

"I can practically hear it." Zoya said as she stared up at the ceiling.

"I'm not really good with gifts. I know this is strange and a bit stupid but–"

"I love it, Freddie." Zoya said as she put the flashlight down.

"Good. I'll be honest, I have no idea what to get you for our anniversary."

"How about we don't worry about presents, yeah?"

He nodded and lightly pushed her onto her back, ambushing her with tickles. Zoya wasn't normally ticklish, but he had always managed to tickle her to where she was laughing and breathlessly begging him for mercy.

"Stop! It's my birthday y–" She cut off her words as more laughter escaped from her. Fred eventually stopped his antics and peppered her face with kisses, "Wish we could go out and have a night out on the town. I'm sorry you have to sped your day cooped up here."

"I don't mind. As long as I'm with you."

"Awe, aren't you sweet?" He teasingly said. 

"I am when I want to be." She replied, pushing him off of her lightly. 

She crawled out of bed and stretched her arms behind her head, but quickly regretted it when Fred poked her side, making her jump. She glared down at him, "Tickle me again and you'll have a black eye."

"Is that a challenge?" He asked with a mischievous grin.

She turned on the light to her bedroom, "That's a promise, Weasley."

After ushering Fred out of the room she was sharing with Hermione and Ginny, Zoya got dressed for the day and then made her way downstairs. As soon as she walked into the kitchen, confetti was blown into her face. 

"Happy Birthday!" Everyone cheered. 

She brushed the confetti off of her, "Thank you." 

Molly rushed to her and gave her a big hug, "I made a special breakfast. Fred told me you love chocolate chip pancakes."

"That I do." She said, looking at Fred, who only gave her a wink. 

Everyone apologized profusely to her for the lack of presents. Due to the current issues with Death Eaters, Voldemort, the Ministry of Magic, and the Daily Prophet, finding time to go out to shop was rather difficult. 

Zoya didn't mind it, though. Having everyone gathered at the table and not talking about the current issues was a nice change. Even Ron was up and doing his best to be cheery in the early morning. 

"Where's the birthday girl?" Zoya heard Tonks say as she stumbled into the kitchen, tripping over thin air. 

Zoya eagerly stood up and ran to the purple-haired Hufflepuff, giving her a big hug. If there was anyone in the Order Zoya loved to be around, it was Nymphadora Tonks. 

Tonks gifted Zoya a small charm that would eventually form into her Patronus when she learned to cast it. 

It was a small gift, but Zoya loved it nevertheless. The day went on with Molly making homemade hot coco and sharing their favorite memories of Zoya. 

Dinner came and went, and Molly surprised Zoya with her favorite chocolate cake. She was sung happy birthday, and the twins made a point to be louder than everyone else. The night slowly died down and Remus, Tonks, Mad-Eye, and Kingsley all slowly left one by one. 

"So really, how does it feel to be 16?" Fred asked around the young teenagers, alone now that the adults had gone up to bed and Althena decided to take a stroll outside. 

"About the same as it felt to be 15." Zoya replied, "But this has been a great birthday."

"I wish we all could have gone out." Hermione said, "It's a shame that we have to stay in here."

Zoya shrugged, "Could be worse. I'll be honest though, I think I'm looking forward to Christmas Day more."

"Awe, is it because it's our anniversary?" Fred asked in a fake-sentimental tone.

"No. It's because of the sweaters your mother knits." She casually replied, cuddling closer into his chest. 

Augustus and Aurora were sat across from Harry, who was watching the two as he fidgeted with the edge of a pillow. She glanced over at him and he nodded, "I suppose this will be a good way to take our minds off of things, yeah?" She quietly asked him.

Augustus smiled lightly and shook his head, "I suppose so."

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