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Fred and George were the last to join everyone for breakfast the morning after they arrived, not counting Ron and Augustus, who always slept through breakfast. 

"Morning, love." Fred cheerily said to Zoya, placing a kiss on her head as he passed her by to make himself tea. 

George nervously looked at Sirius, who was casually reading the Dailey Prophet, scoffing here and there at articles. Aurora was sitting adjacent to him, sipping tea while reading a book. 

The familiar scent of cigarette smoke filled the kitchen, alerting everyone of Althena's presence. She sat down at the other end of the table from Sirius, muttering a good morning. 

George fidgeting with his hands as he stood in the middle of the kitchen, looking at Sirius, "M-Mr. Black."

Sirius glanced up from his paper to George, and everyone in the kitchen turned to George, "Yes?"

Even Aurora was looking up at him from her book, knowing exactly what was troubling him. 

"L-last night I accidentally bumped into a table upstairs. I might have broken the vase, I tried to put it back together, but it didn't exactly go as planned. I know it's an old and valuable vase so I apologize sir."

Sirius looked unfazed and Aurora went back to reading her book with a smug smile.

"Is that why you were so quiet last night?" Fred asked. 

Molly put her hands on her hips, "George, how on Godric's green Earth did you do that? It's not like it's in the way! Where you not paying attention to where you were walking?"

Sirius glanced at Molly before looking back to George, "That vase? It's from an American muggle home furnishing store called Pottery Barn, if my memory serves me correctly. It's not worth a thing to me or anyone." He said, "Whoever told you it was valuable was pulling your leg."

Fred snickered while George's mouth fell open. He looked at Aurora, who still looked as smug as ever as she slowly took a sip of tea. 

"Well, all right, then." He quietly said as Molly shook her head. 

Althena quickly caught onto Aurora's scheme, taking note of her smile as she kept her eyes glued to her book. She let out a breath of smoke, "Can you not go outside for that?" Molly asked her with a huff. 

"It's a particularly sunny morning, Molly." Althena replied, "I'd rather not."

From upstairs, Augustus was beginning to stir awake. His eyes slowly peeled open to the sight of the bleak ceiling of his room that he was sharing with Harry and Ron. 

He slowly turned his head to the bed next to him, seeing Ron snoring away. He sat up in his bed and reached to his bedside table, picking up a small leather notebook. He picked up a pen that he bought from a muggle store the summer prior, and began to journal away his thoughts. 

Augustus found it difficult to focus due to the sound of Ron's snoring, but nonetheless, he carried on. He eventually crawled out of bed and got ready for the day before joining everyone downstairs. 

Everyone greeted him, and he only gave a lazy nod in reply. 

The rest of the day was relatively uneventful. A few members of the Order came and went, but information on Voldemort was scarce at the moment. 

Aurora and Augustus were now sat on top of the roof of 12 Grimmauld Place, still completely invisible to the muggles. 

The sun was slowly beginning to set when they made it to the top, casting a golden light on the two, "You look tired." Aurora commented, wrapping the blanket she brought with her tighter around her cold body. 

"I'm always tired." Augustus replied.

"What's been going on with you?" Aurora asked him worriedly, "You know you can trust me."

He shook his head lightly, "It's silly." He mumbled. Aurora stared at him, face full of concern. Augustus quickly glanced at her before letting out a sigh, "Despite being resorted and making friends... I've never felt more alone in my life. I was having issues last year but... that doesn't compare to what I've been feeling recently."

"Why do you think you're feeling like this?"

He shrugged, "Dunno. I don't mean to offend you but, I don't think I'd feel any better even if you were at Hogwarts with me. No matter how much support I receive from Hermione, Harry, Zoya, Ron, Fred and George, Professor Lupin... 'm just empty. And I feel bad about it because I've got no reason to feel this way. I feel horrible for even complaining to you after what you've been through recently."

"It's not fair to compare your pain to others." Aurora said to him, "Have you opened up to anyone else other than me?"

"No. All I want to do right now is be put six feet under, maybe then things would be peaceful."


He gave her a small smile, "Don't worry, I won't try anything. I wouldn't do that to you." He said with sincerity, "I think I might just be tired. Tired from full Moons, tired from this bloody war, tired from school. I reckon things might be easier next year once I've left Hogwarts."

"I wish I could give you good advice, but I'm afraid I'm not exactly any good in that arena. The best I can do is offer support, you can open up to me anytime. Don't feel bad for what you're feeling, you have just as much reason as the next." She said as she took his hand, "You're my best friend, Augustus. We've gone through thick and thin together, and I reckon we will go through much more in the next coming months or years."

"Can you imagine us fighting side by side in an all-out war?" Augustus asked light-heartedly, "I'd love to take out Hemlock if he sides with Voldemort, which I imagine he will."

"That will be something I look forward to, should things come to that." Aurora replied, "Thank you, for being my best friend. I don't tell you that enough." 

He turned to look at her, "Thanks for being my best friend."

Aurora gave him a smile before resting her head on his shoulder. He rested his head on top of hers, and the two watched the sun set in silence. 

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