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Lorelei sat in the empty chair near the door across from Sirius, no, her father.

She had her elbows resting on her thighs, her leg was bouncing, and her eyes were glued to the floor.

"Last summer when Augustus attacked, you protected me."


"And you watched over me until they returned."


"Althena is my aunt."


"My mother, do I look like her? My entire life I went not looking like my family, Lucius even had me dye my hair white for some time."

Sirius shook his head, "You don't look much like her. I'm afraid you got my good looks."

A tear fell from her eye to the ground, "Everything... my life... it's all a lie. I-I don't understand."

Sirius stood up and walked across the room to her. She also stood from the chair and he held out his hand, "Look into my mind."

"I'd rather not."

"Please." He said, "I want you to see your mother."

She carefully took his hand, and he closed his around hers softly. She closed her eyes, and was suddenly engulfed by his memories.

She combed back all the way back to Sirius and her mother, Diana, had her. The two were in their small home that had lively plants all over the home. She was in her mother's arms, sleeping soundly as Sirius peered over her shoulder.

She watched the memories. Two years they were with her. Two years that she didn't remember.

When she let go of Sirius's hand, both of them had tears coming out of their eyes.

"I don't remember any of it."

"The Malfoys were the only living family you had left, so you went to them. Believe me, Aurora, I didn't want that to happen. They wiped your memory of your mother and I and most likely wanted to use you due to your legilimens and occlumens. You get the occlumens from Althena."

"She was there that night."


Lorelei, no, Aurora, wiped more tears away, "When Harry and I fought Voldemort. Figures appeared and helped us, that being Lily, James, Cedric... and my mother."

"I was going to wait to tell you but, you have the right to know. I don't expect you to call me father, but know I will always be here. You are my daughter, Aurora Dahlia Moona Black."

Now she was really crying, "Dahlia is my middle name?"

"Yes. D-Do you not like it?"

She shook her head, "Cedric always said I reminded him of dahlias."

"They were your mother's favorite flower."

"Merlin, I think I'm going to have a heart attack." She said, sitting back down. She ran her fingers through her hair, "Who else knows?"

"The Order and the Malfoys. I don't think Draco does, though."

Lorelei slowly steadied her breathing, "Is it strange that I feel a weight off my shoulders?"

"You never felt at home with them, did you?"

When he got no response, he walked to her and knelt down in front of her. Sirius looked up at his daughter intently, "I understand you might need some time. But I hope that one day we can have a relationship. We've lost so much time."

"We have." She replied timidly.

"Do you want me to still call you Lorelei?"

She slowly shook her head, "It's not me. I spent my entire life being the person that everybody else wanted me to be, other than Cedric, of course. I suppose now... this is my chance to be who I want to be."

"And who is that?"

"Aurora Dahlia Moona Black."

A small smile grew on Sirius's face. She leant in and wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

He was slightly taken aback by her sudden gesture, but he certainly didn't hate it. All felt like it was almost 15 years ago when she was just a toddler in his arms.

"This pain." She started, "Will it go away?"

"You'll learn to live with it. It will be easier now that you're finally home."

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