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"We need to worry about the task at hand!"

"She is a task at hand!"

"You cannot put all your time on her. There are other people here who are risking everything!"

"You don't think I know that?!"

Harry and Augustus stood by the door that led into the room where the meeting was being held. The only two people that were in there now were Sirius and Althena, who were both arguing over Lorelei.

Remus walked out of a room and saw the two, "Eavesdropping now, are we?"

"Sorry, I-"

Remus put up his hand with a small smile, "Don't worry." He said before he sighed, "Those two... one minute they are as close as ever and the next they are at each other's throats."

"Did they recently meet?"

He shook his head with a chuckle, "No. We've known Althena since our days at Hogwarts. She's only a year younger than us, her older sister was extremely close with Sirius. Althena was bitten just a few years after that horrible night back in '81, so she hasn't aged much since."

"But she will..."

"Die? Yes, eventually. Contrary to muggle belief, Vampires do age and die. Just much slower than the rest of us."

"I'm glad that they want to find Lorelei but... why is Sirius so keen on it?" Augustus asked.

"Well, despite not liking the Malfoys, she is his family through her mother. Any bit of family he can salvage, he wants to keep safe." Remus distantly said, "And what happened to her, terrible thing it is. She needs a home, and we can provide that. Lorelei is also a legilimens, as you all know. If she decides to help us, that can be of great use."

"Voldemort also said she was also an occlumens..."

"Yes... very interesting. Well, none of that matters for you two right now. Best to get some sleep." Remus said. Harry bid his good night and walked upstairs, but Remus stopped Augustus before he could go, "Do you mind if you and I have a word?" He kindly asked.

"Yeah, sure."

The two walked outside into the chilly London air.

"I was informed of your lycanthropy. First and foremost, I would like to apologize that you have to deal with such a condition." Remus said, "But I hear Snape has been making you potions, yes?"

"Yeah. Sends me an owl every day for the week leading up to the Full Moon with the potion. Tastes bloody horrible."

Remus chuckled, "Yes, unfortunately it does. I wanted to speak with you to let you know that should you find yourself struggling, don't hesitate to send me an owl whilst you're in school."

"Thanks. Dumbledore actually has be go to the Shrieking Shack. He told me you would go there when you were at Hogwarts. Luckily all I do is just curl up and wait for it to be over. With Althena, will I try to attack her on a Full Moon even with the Wolfsbane Potion?"

Remus nodded, "Some instincts cannot be fought. She is just as much clouded as you and I would be if we came in contact. Now, since you've only had this for about a year, you are a lot stronger. You don't have to worry about any of that during your time at Hogwarts, as you obviously won't be seeing her."

"She doesn't seem to care about finding Lorelei."

"She does, Augustus. Things are much more complicated than you know, but you will know soon."

From inside the home and upstairs, Zoya sat on a bed with Fred playing a muggle card game she had just taught him. Go Fish.

"Give me your Queens." Zoya said, staring him down.

"Sorry, I only have a pair of Jokers."

"Then give me your Jokers. You weren't supposed to tell me that."

Fred groaned and slid the cards to her. Despite Zoya being the one to teach him the game, he ended up obliterating her. She threw her cards down, "You're really annoying sometimes."

He pushed the cards off the bed and pulled her on top of him, "But you love it."

"Do I?" She asked as his hands slid up her thighs and under her, well, his jumper. She leant in and the two moved their lips against one another furiously.

She tugged on his fiery red hair as his hands stayed under her jumper, his hands moving around her bare back.

Before Zoya could tug at his shirt, the door flew open and the two jumped apart, "Don't mind me." George said, hopping into bed and snuggling under the covers.

Zoya got off of Fred, "Goodnight, Freddie."

"You're just gonna leave me like this?"

"Sweet dreams." She replied, walking out of the room.

Fred sighed and glared at his brother, "Thanks for that."

"Anytime, mate."

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