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12 Grimmauld Place

Althena stood alone in the bedroom that Sirius use to sleep in. It still smelled like him.

She slowly sat down on his perfectly made bed, running her hand over the soft bedsheets.

She began to cry softly with her elbows on her knees, her face hidden in her hand. She felt the bed dip beside her, and for a split second, she thought it could be him.

She felt a comforting hand on her shoulder, and she leant into Remus.

She didn't know how long they sat there for. All she knew was that he was also crying with her.

"I don't know what to do, Remus." She said through sobs.

For once in her life, she heard Remus reply quietly, "Neither do I."

It was a while before Althena reluctantly left his bedroom, but she knew she'd find herself back more than she should. She opened Aurora's bedroom door, finding her fast asleep in her bed.

She walked downstairs where the Order was sitting bleakly in the kitchen. Margot narrowly missed an Avada Kedavra while protecting Zoya, and she ended up with a few broken ribs and a deep cut in her side.

Romare was sitting next to her, watching her warily though she consistently reminded him that she was going to be all right.

But Margot wasn't the only one who protected. Maxwell, though mostly unharmed, threw himself in front of Ginny, Luca, and Ron all on separate occasions to keep them alive.

He was still stiff and silent, like the horrors from that fateful night and all the nights before were playing in his mind like a movie.

Tonks sat a cup of tea in front of Remus before taking a seat next to him. Althena looked at the closed blinds, which were done just before she walked downstairs.

She walked to the door leading out to the garden. She picked up her sunglasses from a small table and put them over her eyes. Althena walked outside, bracing herself for the bright sunlight.

She heard the soft sound of birds chirping, and a butterfly passed through the garden.

Another tear rolled down her eye as she sat down where Sirius use to sit. She took a deep breath, taking in the feeling of the sun blaring down on her bare shoulders.

She looked at the plants, which were slowly coming back to life thanks to Aurora. But now, she feared they were going to die all over again.

Remus walked outside and took her hands, "Come on." He softly said.

The two Apparited to Diana, and now, Sirius's grave.

Althena quietly spoke after some time, "At least he's safe now, him and Augustus. Nothing can hurt them anymore."

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