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I hope this letter finds you well. I'm alright, I am where you sent this letter from. I'm with Padfoot, and I have learned things that I cannot put into a letter. I hope to see you soon so we can talk. I am sorry for leaving you alone, I realize now that what I did was selfish. 

How is Hogwarts? I hope none of the other houses are giving you much trouble, especially Gryffindor. I can't imagine Slytherin doing much as you are one yourself. Please, do not try and defend my name. I know you will try too. Keep your head up high and finish this year strong. 

Your best friend

Augustus didn't need her signature to know who sent the letter. For the first time in what felt like a long time, he was genuinely smiling. She was safe. 

He found the group in the common room talking amongst themselves. Hermione was the first to see him. She whispered something to Harry, Ron, and Zoya before getting up. 

They all walked to him, "Is everything all right?" Harry asked. 

"Lorelei is at Headquarters. She's safe."

All of them let out a breath of relief, "Did she say anything more?" Hermione whispered. 

He shook his head, "No. But she doesn't know I got resorted, so I suppose I should write back and update her on things. She also said that she learned things that she couldn't put into a letter... any ideas?"

"Beats me." Ron replied.

Augustus tore up the paper and threw it in the fire they were near, "I have to go to the library and pick up a book for Potions. I'll see you all at dinner." He said, walking past them. 

"Wait!" Hermione called out, "I need a book."


She shrugged, "Finished the few that I picked up 3 days ago."

The two slowly made their way to the library. Augustus could tell that Hermione wanted to speak and ask millions of questions all about his life, but she stayed quiet. 

When they turned the corner to another corridor, Augustus saw Sayaka sitting by a window with Draco Malfoy. She looked up at him, their eyes meeting for the second time since their return to Hogwarts. 

He looked away from her just as they passed the two. To Hermione's surprise, Draco said nothing to the two as they walked by. 

They thought they were in the clear until they heard a voice call from behind them, "Hey, Cairo!" He called out. Hermione put her hand on his arm and continued to walk down the hall, but the voice called out again, "What, are you gonna walk away with that mudblood like a coward?"

Augustus quickly turned around, and saw Grayson Hemlock standing at the other end of the hall with a mischievous smirk. Even Sayaka and Draco were looking at him worriedly. 

Augustus stayed calm. Grayson slowly walked to him, "So much to unpack with you, isn't there? First, your best friends defends a mudblood and her friends. Next, she starts dating a Hufflepuff, and then... she kills him. Such a turn of events, isn't it? Not to mention those red and gold colors you're sporting now... you really want to fit in, don't you?"

"Maybe I just know where I belong." Augustus replied as more people began to gather round. 

Grayson let out a breathy laugh, "They'll never accept you, Cairo. Let's just face it, it's pity they all feel for you. Poor little Augustus Cairo has a murderer for a best friend and a group of freaks as his backup."

Augustus marched up to Grayson and stopped inches away from his face, "Watch it, Hemlock."

Hermione ran up to him, "Augustus, it's not worth it! Come on." She said, trying to pull him away. 

The two stared at each other directly, not breaking eye contact for one second. The right of Grayson's mouth turned up lightly, "That's right, Cairo. I'm not worth it. Go ahead and walk away. Turn your back to me and tuck your tail between your legs like the scared little dog you are." He said lowly. Grayson was now full on smiling from the reaction he got when he called Augustus a dog, "Oh, yeah, I know about that. Saw you sippin' on some Wolfsbane Potion last year... you should be more careful where you take your medicine." He added only loud enough for Augustus to hear. 

Hermione tugged at him again, and Augustus finally tore his eyes from Grayson and began to turn away from him with Hermione. 

"You've got some nerve hanging with a mudblood, Cairo. Watch out, s–"

Before Grayson could get his sentence out, Augustus whipped around and punched him directly in the jaw. Grayson fell straight to the ground, and Augustus yanked his arm from Hermione before she could protest. 

People were gasping and Hermione was full on yelling at this point, cursing herself because she didn't bring her wand to go on a simple trip to the library. 

The two fought each other hand-to-hand, ignoring the idea of magic. Grayson had managed to land a few hard hits to Augustus, resulting in a bloody nose, lip, and a forming black eye. 

Despite Augustus looking bad, Grayson looked worse.

But they weren't split up by a teacher. Grayson was yanked off of Augustus by the collar of his shirt. Augustus scrambled to his feet and the two tried to go at it again, but the boy stopped them. 

He put his hands out towards both of their chests, "Woah woah woah! Take it easy!"

"Get the fuck out of the way!" Grayson yelled, trying to get to Augustus who was being pulled back by Hermione once again.

When the boy saw that Hermione was successful at getting Augustus to step back, he turned his attention to Grayson. He kept a hold of his collar, "Take a seat before you pass out, mate." He firmly said. 

Professor McGonagall came rushing towards them with Snape following briskly behind.

"Dear heavens!" She said, seemingly lost for words. 

There was blood everywhere. 

She looked at Augustus and Grayson with wide eyes, "W- ho- explain!"

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