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12 Grimmauld Place

My best friend,

Professor Dolores Umbridge is horrible, to say the least. Her and Professor McGonagall got into an argument over the treatment of students and forms of punishment. Umbridge has been using physical punishment, and of course McGonagall doesn't agree with it.

Now, Umbridge, the devil in pink, had been appointed to the post of Hogwarts High Inquisitor. I don't actually know what that means, but I know it's not good. The Daily Prophet is loving her and her reformation of Hogwarts education. I don't have much hope for younger Hogwarts students that have not been taught by anyone but her or have only had a 3 or less years of training under a different professor. I wish Professor Lupin were here. May you give him my best regards?

I have gotten to speak to Luna Lovegood more, and she is a very bright witch. She is truly a kind-hearted person, and I can tell she wants nothing but the best for the people around her. I appreciate her love for nature, and all magical creatures. Speaking of which, I have learned about Thestrals. They can only be seen by those who have seen death. They are incredibly gentle, and some how, they have helped me come to terms with my brother.

I know I don't talk about him much, and you never got to see much of him, but I feel his presence more than ever now that I know the Thestrals.

I hope you're all right, but I fear I already know the answer to that. Give everyone my best regards, especially Professor Lupin.

Yours truly,

Aurora was writing back to Augustus outside in the small garden around the plants that were slowly coming back to life thanks to her. She glanced through the window at her aunt, who was fast asleep on the couch.

Despite the bleak weather, it was one of those days that she felt just a little better. The conversation she had with Remus, whom she learned was her godfather, had sat in her mind in the best way.

The door opened suddenly, and Remus came walking outside. He sat down across from her, "How are you today?"

"Better, thank you."

He hummed lightly and glanced down at the parchment she was writing on, "Are you writing back to Augustus?"

"I am." She replied as she continued to write.

"Do you mind if I also slip something in there? I think he would appreciate it a great deal."

Aurora gave him the envelope, "Of course."

"Capacious extremis."

She looked up at Remus when she heard him mutter the charm, watching him put a large chocolate bar in the envelope with a note attached, "Mind if I ask why you're sending him chocolate? Not to mention the amount you're sending..."

"I made a batch and I thought he would appreciate it. While it's great to eat after a Dementor attack, it is also one of the best remedies for any issues one might be having whether it be physical or emotional. I tend to eat chocolate after a full Moon, it always makes me feel better and I know he will love it too. That is... does he like chocolate?"

Aurora smiled and nodded, "Yes, he does."

Remus sighed and stood up, "Silly me, I cannot believe I have not offered you any! I'll be back." He hastily said, running back inside. He came back outside within seconds with a bar of chocolate. He gave it to her, "Freshly made." He said with a bright smile.

She took the chocolate and took a bite, eyes widening at the flavor, "Bloody hell, Remus. This is lovely!"

"Thank you, Aurora. While I do often buy chocolate, it's not quite the same as making it homemade. I ought to give you the recipe, should you ever want to make it." Remus said, "Or I could teach you."

"Well, considering I missed out on you being my professor in Defense Against the Dark Arts, I suppose that could make up for it." She replied with a small smile.

He waved his hand, "It's probably best you weren't around for that year. Those Dementors and Peter Pettigrew was not something I wished for anyone to witness, especially young students."

"Did somebody say Dementors?" Sirius said from the door, "Tricky little bastards, those are. Aurora, I would like to take you somewhere today with your Aunt if you don't mind. Do you by any chance know how to cast your Patronus?"

She shook her head, "I tried years ago, almost got it. But I haven't since then..."

"Very well, then. I am going to teach you how to, let's just hope I'm a good teacher because it would be embarrassing for me to come crawling to Remus for help."

Remus chuckled, "It wouldn't be the first time. Well, I'm to be meeting Tonks for lunch."

Sirius's face turned up into a playful grin, "Are you now?" He asked a bit flirtatiously.

Remus hid his blush and put his hands in his pockets, "Oh, I doubt it's like that..."

Sirius patted his best friend's shoulder, "Whatever you say. Good luck."

Remus waved to Aurora, and made his way back inside. Aurora finished up her letter and sealed the envelope up, giving it to Hedwig, who was waiting on her.

She flew off with two letters, one for Augustus from her, and one for Harry from Sirius.

She stood up and looked at her father, "So, where are you taking me? Surely it's somewhere where we both won't be recognized and sent straight to Azkaban."

He shook his head softly, "No no, where we are going is filled with nothing but rolling hills and flowers that bloom year round."

"Where is it?"

"The house your mother and I shared, and where her grave is."

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