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Althena sat next to Sirius, listening to the arguing from every which way. She eyed Severus Snape, who definitely did not want to be in the room.

Unbeknownst to them, the teenagers were all listening outside through an ear on a string.

"If anyone has a right to know, it's Harry." Sirius argued, "Voldemort was back. He's not a child, Molly."

"He's not an adult either!" Molly argued back, "He's not James, Sirius. He's not your son. You need to be focused on finding her, and not to bring her into the fight but to make sure she's safe!"

"I know that, Molly!" Sirius argued louder, "She is tied to this more than I wish! Who have they both got? They've got me!"

"She doesn't even know about you!" Molly argued back, "Do you expect her to just recognize you and fall into your arms?

"She could!"

"How touchingly paternal, Black." Snape said, "Perhaps Potter will grow up to be a felon, just like his godfather. Lorelei has already done wonderfully taking after you in that arena."

Sirius shot up from his chair, as did Althena. She put her hand to his chest, holding him back from Snape without any struggle.

He began yelling at Snape, and Snape only sat back stone-faced and listened.

"Sit down, Sirius!" Althena snapped.

He huffed and puffed, but listened to the small woman. She took out a pack of cigarettes and Molly sighed, "Must you smoke in here?"

She lit her cigarette, took a drag, and passed it to Sirius. She ignored Molly's protesting, taking the cigarette back from Sirius. Molly threw her hands up in defeat and walked out of the room.

Everyone heard Molly yell, "Oh! Just because you're allowed to use magic now does not mean you have to whip your wands out for everything!" She yelled at Fred and George.

Everyone gathered in the kitchen for dinner after the meeting was over. George and Althena were staring at Crookshanks while Tonks was transforming her face into different animals, making Ginny laugh.

Both Crookshanks and Nyx were hissing and growling at Althena, "What did you do to those cats?" Harry asked.

"Zoya, have your parents given thought to joining the order again?" Sirius asked.

She shrugged, "Told you, they don't want anything to do any of this. They were reluctant to even let me come here."

Fred passed by a table with red lollipops, "Oh, yum!" He excitedly said, taking one.

Althena looked back at him with the same lollipop in her mouth, and Sirius sat back in his chair with a smirk. They watched him unwrap the plastic, and shove it into his mouth.

His face instantly scrunched up in disgust, and he took the lollipop out of his mouth, "What is this?!" He yelled, stealing Zoya's water to wash out his mouth.

He turned to Althena, who was sucking on the red lollipop, "Not yours, that for sure. Were you not raised to ask before taking things? Or taught never to take candy from a strange place?"

"It's a blood lollipop, Fred." Molly said as she put food on the table, "Althena doesn't eat what we do."

Fred's eyes widened so much Althena was sure they were going to pop out of his head.


She gave him a smile, winking at him as her canine teeth became sharp.

Fred, George, and Ron gathered around to see her teeth. They all smiled, "Wicked." They said in union.

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