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Augustus's face was softly dipped into a cold bucket of water. His face was lifted up and he took a deep breath as Hermione handed him a cloth, looking at him worriedly. 

He took the rag, carefully patting his face dry. Madame Pomfrey came walking over to the two frantically, "You and your fighting. I've had enough of it, Mister Cairo!" She scolded, "A pretty face like yours has no business getting punched!"

He left the medical wing with a small cut on his lip, a bandage over the edge of his right eyebrow, a bruise on his left cheekbone, and a light black eye. 

Him and Hermione walked to Dumbledore's office in complete silence. When they arrived, Grayson was slumped in a chair as he held ice over his head. The two had to be patched up separately, Madame Pomfrey refused to deal with the two in the same room. 

The boy that broke up the fight was also in the room, and Hermione just took note that he was a Hufflepuff. To their surprise, Sayaka and Draco were also lurking at the back of the room. 

Snape and McGonagall were also in the room, looking very disappointed with the two. 

"So, Mister Malfoy and Miss Van Vries informed me that Mister Hemlock here antagonized Mister Cairo... is that correct?" 

Both Hermione and Augustus were surprised that the two told the truth. They nodded, "Yes." Hermione said. 

"And that Mister Cairo was the one that started the fight."

"The wanker was the one who started it when he opened his mouth." Augustus mumbled. 

Grayson scoffed as Snape spoke up, "Did you or did you not throw the first punch?" He asked. 

Snape got his answer when he was met with silence from Augustus. McGonagall went onto scold the two, and Dumbledore ended the meeting with 50 points being taken from each house and detention for the two. 

"I suppose we can thank Luca Mayfield here..." Dumbledore said, motioning to the Hufflepuff boy that broke up the fight. 

Grayson and Augustus glared at him, while Hermione thanked him. 

Everyone was let go, all but Augustus. He stood up from his spot, "Mister Cairo I must tell you..." Dumbledore started, "Be careful. We are risking a lot having you here. Not that I don't want you here, but if it were to get out..."

"I understand. Thank you, Headmaster."

He gave him a short nod, "You may go."

Hermione was waiting on him when he walked out. Dinner was to be served in less than 10 minutes, so the two decided to head for the Great Hall. 

"You shouldn't have done that! You could have gotten expelled!" Hermione scolded. 

"I really don't want to hear it right now, Granger."

Hermione huffed, but didn't say anymore. They walked to the Great Hall and took their seats, and the word had already traveled throughout the school. 

"Someone had to show him." Ron said as he took a sip of his drink. 


He threw his hands up in defense, "I'm right, though!"

Everyone gathered back in the Gryffindor common room after dinner. Zoya, Fred, George, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Augustus, and Ginny were all sitting on the couches by the fire. 

Some people passed by and congratulated Augustus on 'beating the magic' out of Grayson. 

"So, what have we learned from this?" Hermione asked. 

"Violence is never the answer?" George asked confusingly. 

Zoya shook her head, "Violence is the answer when your name is Grayson Hemlock, Draco Malfoy, or the Dark Lord himself."

"I can't argue with that." Fred agreed as he twirled some of Zoya's black hair through his fingers. 

"I gotta hand it to you, Augustus. I think this might add up to The Great Beating of 1993." Ron said. 


"Zoya got into a fight with Pansy Parkinson during our second year. Only reason why she didn't get expelled was because she didn't start the fight and Parkinson said some very hurtful things to us." Hermione said, "But that still does not condone the violence."

Ron laughed, "Parkinson still flinches every time she passes us in the hall and Zoya is around."

"Got me months worth of detention for that one and another month of being grounded when summer holiday came along. Still worth it." Zoya smugly said, "Sometimes I wish she'd give me another reason to–"

"Now now there." Fred said as he stroked her head, "Hermione is right, violence is never the answer." He said in an obviously mocking tone.

She rolled her eyes and leant back against him, "Yeah yeah, whatever." She mumbled as she crossed her arms. 

From across the couch, Augustus lightly nudged Harry without even having to look at him, "You're staring." He mumbled. 

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