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Althena and Remus joined the group shortly after their emotional conversation.

As soon as Althena sat down across from Sirius, he immediately noticed that something was off. He glanced at Remus, who's face was blank.

"Do you know anyone else that could be of help?" Tonks asked.

Margot, Maxwell, and Romare all looked at one another. Their eyes then flickered to Sirius, "What about your sister, Sirius?" Romare asked him.

"You have a sister?" Tonks asked.

Sirius nodded, "Lavinia. H-how do you know about her?"

"I'm rich. I know about almost everyone." He said before taking a sip of his wine, "But I don't know where she could be. When was the last time you spoke to her?"

Margot and Maxwell were born into money, and Margot married into money. Maxwell inherited the family estate after their mother passed away, which was only 3 years ago as Tonks explained.

"She's quite a bit younger than I am. She's only a few years older than you, Tonks." Sirius replied, "I doubt she'd want to help. Lavinia was always a bit... she wasn't all there. I don't want to call her mad, but that's really the only word I've got for her."

"I don't think it's worth the risk of finding her. For all we know she could either be working with the Dark Lord or helping the Ministry of Magic and the Daily Prophet." Althena spoke up.

"I agree." Sirius said.

"Well, Romare is somewhat protected..." Margot trailed off.

Everyone looked between her and her husband, "How so?" Remus asked.

"I'm rich, as I said." Romare replied, "I wouldn't exactly say I'm protected, though. Lucius Malfoy came to me years ago wanting me to help him with the Dark Lord. Apparently he thinks all Slytherins are on his side. When I told him to fuck off, he said he'd ruin me... hasn't quite happened yet. There are only few he cannot ruin with money, one of those people being me."

"You're... richer than the Malfoys?" Remus quietly asked in shock.

Romare lightly raised his glass and threw a wink to him, "That I am."

"Oh, don't boast, darling." Margot chimed in, "We want to help anyway we can. Whether that is staying here keeping everyone down or going out into the fight." She said.

Maxwell suddenly stood up and walked out of the room. They all heard the front door open and close just seconds later. Margot sighed, "Maxwell hasn't been quite the same since he was attacked."

"Who attacked him?" Tonks questioned.

Margot shrugged, "There is still a lot that he hasn't said about that night. His partner, Killian Jacen, was killed in front of him. He came back with his spine completely frozen and fractured from the inside out, which is why he sits so upright. That's all I know. I believe he might have been hit with some sort of Dark Curse, but I cannot say that for certain."

"Poor chap." Sirius commented.

"Despite how reserved he has been since he got here, he does want to help. Just... try to avoid being too loud and definitely do not touch him at all if he cannot see you. Those tend to trigger him." Margot said nervously, "He is very kind, Tonks can vouch for that."

Tonks nodded, "He is. One time I tripped in the middle of the Great Hall and everyone started laughing. He got up from his spot and tripped on purpose just to keep me from getting so embarrassed." She said fondly, "It pains me to see him this way."

"I think being around you all will be a good change. He's kept himself incredibly isolated ever since the incident. He's only seen Romare and I, and that's only on rare occasions. I would say more, but it's not my place to do so." Margot said, "So, Althena, how did you come to join the Order? Tonks was pretty vague in her letters."

Everyone suddenly turned to Althena, "I was an original member of the Order. I was only a year below James, Lily, Remus, Sirius..."

"You've aged quite well." Margot said with a small chuckle, "What's your secret?"


Remus, and surprisingly, Mad-Eye both let out a snort of laughter. Margot kept her soft smile, "You're a vampire?"

"I am. Hope it doesn't put a damper on things."

"Oh, it's not a bother." Margot replied with the wave of her hand in dismissal, "Your sister was married to Sirius before her death. Is that correct?"

Althena stiffened up, "She was. I'm sure you know Aurora is their daughter."

"I'm sure it's nice having Althena around, isn't it Sirius? Having your wife's sister to keep the memory alive..." Romare chimed in.

"Were you two close during your Hogwarts days?" Margot questioned, leaning forward.

"Uhh..." Althena trailed off, glancing at Sirius who looked just as equally uncomfortable, "Yes, we've been... friends. It's been lovely being around him again."

"Just like old times, then?" Romare asked.

Althena faintly smiled, "Depends on the day."

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