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"Cairo! Wake up!"

Augustus jolted awake at the sight of Fred and George standing over him, "Bloody hell, what time is it?"

"Nearly 2 in the morning." Fred replied.

"What about the party? What's going on?"

"Party ended a while ago, mate. But it's Harry, come on." George said.

The three walked out of their dorms and met up with Ginny, who looked just as bewildered as Augustus.

"Ron said something is wrong with Harry and Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore asked us to also bring Augustus. Come on." Fred said, sounding more serious than normal.

They all made their way to Dumbledore's office, finding Harry, Ron, Professor McGonagall, Dumbledore, and to Augustus's surprise, Sayaka.

"And you were standing next to the victim? Or looking down at the scene?" Dumbledore asked Harry.

"Neither." Harry replied, "It was like I... Professor, will you please just tell me what's happening? What does this have to do with Sayaka?"

Dumbledore walked to a painting, "Everhardt, Arthur's on guard duty tonight. Make sure he's found by the right people."

"Sir–" Harry tried to speak.

Dumbledore ignored him, "Phineas, you must go to your portrait at Grimmauld Place. Tell them that Arthur Weasley is gravely injured and his children and Augustus Cairo will be arriving there soon, by port key."

"They got him, Albus. It was close, but they think he'll make it. What's more, the Dark Lord failed to acquire it." Everhardt said.

"Ah, thank goodness."

Both Harry and Sayaka twitched before Harry yelled, "Look at me! What's happening to me? W-what's happening to Sayaka?"

Dumbledore looked between the two pale and sweaty students. Sayaka had a repeat of what happened weeks prior. This time when she subconsciously walked to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, she bumped into Harry, Ron, and McGonagall before being woken up by the Professor.

Professor Snape walked into the room, "You wished to see me, Headmaster?"

"Severus, I'm afraid we can't wait. Not even till the morning. Otherwise, we'll all be vulnerable."

"And what about Miss Van Vries?" He asked, his eyes flickering to her.

"I still don't know what..." Dumbledore trailed off as he looked at her, "I will speak to her. Take only Harry."

"I think I just developed Legilimency, my mother didn't develop it until later in life. I just happened to close in on Harry's nightmare because, well...  you know." Sayaka spoke up.

Dumbledore looked at Snape, who had his usual unreadable expression. He then looked back at Sayaka, "Very well. You may go."

Sayaka walked out of the office at lightning speed. She made her way straight back to Slytherin common room, breathing heavily as she walked inside. She leant her forehead on a wall and closed her eyes.


There was that all-too-familiar voice that sounded like a snake. She lifted her head and turned to the mirror behind her, seeing the Dark Lord in her reflection once again.

This time she wasn't as startled, instead, she slowly approached the mirror. Voldemort smiled as she approached him, "You..."

"What do you want?"

Voldemort reached towards her in the mirror, and Sayaka could feel a sharp nail trace down her chest. She quickly brought her hand up, but felt only the fast beating of her heart.

When Sayaka blinked, Voldemort was gone.

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