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Zoya's detention was not at all what she expected. She passed Harry on her way to Umbridge's office, and he just kept his head down and walked passed her.

Professor Umbridge's office was pink all over. There were porcelain plates hung on the walls with moving cats who were all meowing loudly. If it weren't for the cats, Zoya would be tempted to push every plate to the ground.

Umbridge had her normal snarky grin on her face. She stood up when Zoya walked in, "Ah, Miss Kien. You are late."

She looked at the clock on the wall, "I walked in here one minute pas–"

"Doesn't matter. For your lateness, you will be doing extra. Take a seat." She said, motioning to the small desk near hers.

Zoya sat down and started to reach into her bag, "No need to get your quill. You will be using one of mine." Umbridge said.

She sat down a piece of parchment and gave the quill to Zoya, "Now, you will write I Shall Not Tell Lies."

Zoya held back a scoff, "How much?"

"For as long as it takes to sink in. Now let me remind you that publicly defended a murderer, spoke out rudely against me, and you were late."

"Then I think we should both get to writing, since you're also lying about Voldemort and Lorelei Malfoy."

Umbridge whipped around to her, "You need to learn to hold your tongue." She said in her usual peppy voice, "It will get you in much worse trouble than this one day."

"Or one day it might save my life."

"Get to writing, Miss Kien. Before you ask, you do not need ink."

Umbridge turned her back to Zoya as soon as she started writing. When Zoya wrote the first lines, she felt a sharp pain on the top of her right hand. She looked at her hand, and saw the phrase being carved onto her skin.

She fought back any noise, refusing to give Umbridge the satisfaction. She must have noticed it, because Umbridge walked around the desk to face her, "Why have you stopped?"

"I'm thinking, Professor. Is that allowed?"

She smiled at Zoya and gave a small, high-pitched hm and walked to her desk.

Zoya was relentless. She didn't let out a single peep or signal of pain as she wrote. The words on her hand carved over themselves so much that Umbridge had to stop.

"Well, I see you've done enough." She said, "Have you learned anything from this?"

Zoya stood up and picked up her bag, "Yes. That you are a gaslighting manipulative old hag who is only here to spread her lies and propaganda amongst students."

She gave Umbridge no time to react before darting out of her office. She walked into the Gryffindor common room where people were lounging around either chatting about or studying.

She headed straight for her dorm before anyone could notice. She changed out of her robes and tied up her hair before heading back downstairs. Harry was sitting with Hermione and Ron, and she couldn't find Fred or George anywhere.

"So..." She started, sitting across from the three, "How was Umbridge?"

"You too?" Harry asked.

She nodded, "I think I made it worse for me. Sort of insulted her on my way out."

"What'd you say?" Harry asked.

Zoya sat back, "Oh nothing too bad... just called her a gaslighting manipulative old hag who spreads lies and propaganda."

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