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The woman, mrs. Kim smirked seeing jungkook's scared and panicked face. She pulled him back and dragged him out of the brothel. "Let's go. " She smiled slyly and jungkook could feel something bad was about to happen. They reached another huge mansion, more like a palace. Very big and scary too. Jungkook's legs started shaking but he held himself amidst the fear bothering him. Mrs. Kim took jungkook inside and the maids bowed before them.

They entered inside a dark room where sounds of moaning noises were coming. The erotic noises were echoing all over the room. Jungkook had heard this for the first time and seen such a thing for the first time too. Two people doing that.... The man stood up putting on the robe. "Hmm? " He coldly looked at jungkook and the woman.

"Go and wash up. I'll give you the money tomorrow. " He ordered to the boy who was on the bed panting and puffing. He nodded his head and hurriedly hiding by the blanket marched to the bathroom. Jungkook bit his lips feeling anxious and peeked at the cold handsome man nervously. "This shall be your husband. The wedding will be in three days. " Mrs. Kim replied sternly making the man groan in annoyance.

"Mom, leave the room. I shall talk with my future husband. " The man, by the name seokjin ,shuttered coldly while walking towards jungkook. "Alright." The woman replied and walked out of the room. The minute she left the room, seokjin grabbed jungkook hands painfully. "Ahh! " Jungkook cried out in pain and tried to push seokjin away but seokjin seemed to be a dominant strong alpha. "Silent! " He ordered glaring at jungkook darkly and that one order of the scary alpha made jungkook shut himself up.

"Silently go and deny to this marriage. Or else, I'll show you the hell itself. "  Seokjin ordered grabbing jungkook's jaw tightly. "If you marry me, you'll see how the hell looks like. "

" Got it!? "

"Y-yes! "

"Then, why the fuck are you still here? " Seokjin asked coldly. Jungkook bit his lips leaning against the wall. His lega were giving up due to fear and he suddenly fell unable to hold himself. Seokjin chuckled darkly seeing jungkook like that. "Good, seeing you like this, makes me satisfied. " He Sniggered and suddenly stepped upon jungkook's slime beautiful body pressing against his cheeks by his leh.

"Your place should always be below me, where I can step on you easily. " Seokjin's words brought humiliation and fear to jungkook's mind and body. This is already like this and if they marry, it would probably be worst.

Jungkook hurriedly ran out of the room looking for the woman, Mrs. Kim. "M-madam! I-i won't marry him! (Sob) please! "  Jungkook begged weeping and wailing. A sire smirk covered her face and she leaned against the wall folding her arms. "I knew you would say this. " She smirked chuckling darkly. It seemed that she had a lot of evil plans hooked on her brain. Jungkook flinched seeing her smirk like that.

"Well, you have two options, little jungkook. " She smirk patting jungkook shoulder.

"Wh-what? " Jungkook asked confused and scared at the same time. Options?..... (There is something wrong with her....) And yes, inded, jungkook's thoughts were  true. Indeed something was wrong with her.

She smiled evily and walked closer towards jungkook. "You have two options. Marry him or go to that brothel being a sex slave where a lot of alphas and betas will fuck you mercilessly and humiliate you. The choice is yours. "

COLD DEVIL   (Jinkook/kookjin) Where stories live. Discover now