history of this alternate timeline part 1 (2nd update)

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The American Revolution happen just like ours. However After the war for Independence from The Great British Empire our world went two very different paths. the United States became a revolutionary nation whose goal was to bring Freedom across the continent. And in this timeline they did more that just that.


the U.S.A heavily invested in science and technology far more than any other nation at that time. This allowed the Americans to rapidly Innovative.

This caused a massive technological gap between America and the other nations of the world. With America already 70% of the way through what we would call the second Industrial Revolution the war of 1812 went far differently than it did in our timeline.

The war of 1812.

With the purchase of Louisiana back in 1803 the borders between America and British owned Canadian land became an issue.

The map that they use to make the original border was... well not the best and this is one of the many reasons the U.S.A declared war.

The British thought that the U.S.A wouldn't be that much of a threat but oh were they wrong.

With the massive innovations the American's they were already at 1850s level technology and mass production.

With these massive innovations the American's were easily able to beat the British and Canadians.

The war lasted until 1817 with a America victory.

The British we're forced to hand over all the land they owned in Canada with the American's agreeing to reparations to pay back the British for all they took and destroyed.

Westward expansion/Manifest destiny.

Now while this was already happening with the Louisiana purchase, the victory against the British only emboiled the American idea that they were destined to own all of North America.

This cause the Americans to aggressively expand westword until they ran into the Pacific Ocean.

The only other Nations that were in North America at the time were the Russian Empire in Alaska and the Mexican Empire in the southwest.

Before and during the Mexican-American war.

In the southwest the Mexican Empire went into civil war due a corrupt, centralized and tyrannical government.

Many sections of the Mexican Empire did not like the idea of a centralized government and revolted. One such sector was Texas, due to being mainly American immigrants they did not see themselves as Mexicans and valued personal freedom over anything else.

The Texan revolution as it is called started on Oct 2, 1835 and ended on Apr 21, 1836 with the last battle of San Jacinto the Mexican Empire had enough and allowed Texas to be free.

Even though Texas was now a sovereign republic it found itself is a precarious position. Due to being seen as a rebellious state Texas found that making trade with other nations to be quite difficult this caused the Texan economy to stagnate and the Texan Government was looking for any way to stop the new nation from collapsing but to no avail.

The Texan Government decided to ask the U.S.A to Annex them which due to a certain urge to expand they accepted. Texas was now a state but this came with many problems. Two of said problems quickly reared their ugly heads

Before Texas was annexed by America there was a pretty big border dispute between Texas and Mexico. Aswell as the fact that Mexico still saw Texas as a rogue state and still a part of it.

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