Ch-16: The Republic of Mu, new tech, and... Demons?

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The Republic of Mu

It has been a few months since ambassador Mugie was sent to America and a few things have changed, such as the amount of new trading partners Mu has gained.

President Encinco did what the Americans suggested and made contact with the other Alliance members and have gained a lot from the trade deals.

And after a month or so the Americans suggested free trade between Mu and the Alliance. President Encinco was more then happy to sign the new trade deals.

Capital city Otaheit

President Encinco could be seen sitting in his office as he was signing some papers parliament has givin him.

It was mainly military related after the documents the Americans had givin them back in January.

For the protection of the people of Mu from the Gra Valkans we the members of the parliament request that Mu purchases some older aircraft from the Alliance such as the: F-15, F-16, B-17, B-52, MIG-23, MIG-27.

It kept going on listing other nations and their older aircraft.

It also appeared that they wanted to purchase more tanks aswell. Luckly due to the massive economic growth that the trade deals have caused the Muan government had proposed a bill a few monthes ago that would increase the military budget from 3.5 billion to 56.6 billion.

President Encinco knowing they could afford it approved the paper and set it aside.

He was about to look at another bill but the phone on his desk went off.

He then reached over and picked it up. "This is President Encinco talking."

"Mr. President, President John has contacted us saying he wishes to speak to you saying something about some sort of meeting between the entire Alliance on June 1st. And that we along with nations from all over are invited."

"...Put him on the line."

A few seconds passed before he heard John's voice. "Hello there President Encinco. Im sure you've been informed why i have called?"

"Why yes i have President John. It was about an meet up of members of your alliance. But I've also been informed that more then just Mu or those apart of the alliance have been invited. Why is that?"

"Well back in our old world the Alliance of Free Nations was more then just a simple alliance. It was a way for nations leaders from all over to meet and discuss about what to do in the coming years, or to talk about current conflicts. The most recent case of this meet up stopping a war was the Persian-Afghan-Turkmenistan war, where the three nations were able to make a deal and stopped the war."

"Thats quite interesting President John. I'll see if i can make some room in my schedule."

After that they spoke for a bit longer before John said he had to go. They both said their goodbyes and hung up.

United Republic's of America
Research & Development

President John could be seen with a black tuxedo on being escorted to a military site in the middle of a desert.

"So R&D says they have a working spacecraft that isn't a prototype?" President John asked.

"Yes sir, And apparently its gigantic with a shit ton of weapons." The general said next to him.

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