chapter 12: the people, Washington & the Muan ambassador arrives

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Alright lads with you're support i have decided to not cancel the story.

I am eternally grateful for you're support.

Now on with the story.

United republic's of America

Its been quite the time to be a American.

With the constant threat of this world the American people have bought quite a few pieces of military equipment to protect the nation.

Such as older but extremely powerful weapons like the old M4 carbine, the M1A1,2,3 Abrams, multiple different aircraft like the F-15,16,18. Aswell as AH-64s and many other helicopters. (Second amendment goes brrrr)

With the people rapidly purchasing these military weapons the nation has become basically impossible to invade.

But as a good side affect with the rapid purchase of these weapons its made the government less likely to interfere with the people.

Free States of America Nation-State
New york city.
Pov-no one

It took quite some time for the URS John to make its way around Canadian lands and make its way to new york.

During that time the few thousand people that operated the URS John made sure to get Washington up to speed about social norms.

Such as the way race and ethnic groups were treated. Especially black people.

They made sure to tell him certain words were no longer used or had the meaning change completely.

Washinton realizing that society at large has changed alot. He decided it would be best if he just didn't talk about certain things.

George Washington's pov

I am quite thankful for the crew telling me about what was acceptable and what was not.

Now due to the first amendment it was legal to say such things, but it was frowned upon, and while the government wouldn't say anything the people would. (Its nothing like the twittertards or the antifa "people".)

With the URS John finally coming to a stop it was time for me and my escortes to get to a "bullet train station" as they called it.

With the metal doors of the ship opening and a flat and angled platform moving forward until it reached the port.

Once we got off the ship it seemed as if it would be a challenge to get out of the port due to the crowed that has formed.

One of my escortes chuckled before saying. "It seemes you're more popular than we thought you'd be Washington sir."

I chuckled myself. "Well i guess i shouldn't be surprised. I am a living fossil after all."

As we walked towards the crowed i could see some of them holding unknown objects. Some of them seemed to be speaking into them while others pointed they're objects at either me or the ones talking.

"Well sir it seems that you are going to be interviewed by some news agencies." One of the secret service agent's said to me.

"I guess so."

We walked towards the crowed, and as soon as we got close enough a woman walked over and spoke to me.

"Hello there sir i am Wendy Conner from ANN, (American News Network) and we would like to ask a few questions."

She put the object she was holding infront of me. I suppose i should talk into it. "Why hello there Wendy and i would be glad to answer a few questions."

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