U.R.A bio (Updated somewhat)

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The United Republic's of America
Is classified as a Hyperpower with a massive military budget of 4.6 trillion URD.

The U.R.A total GDP is 96.5 trillion with a population of 2.3 billion.

Due to these extremely high numbers the U.R.A military has a lot to throw at its enemies.

numbers of solders and main weapon.

The U.R.A currently has over 10 million active personal in the military with another 5 million in the reserves.

The main weapon of these solders is the M10A1 a revolutionary new firearm unlike the old M4 this gun uses 8.8mm rounds.

The M10A1 has a two recoil control methods that operate simultaneously.

These two methods are both in the barrel and work like this.

While the solder fires the weapon the barrel will push back before the recoil affectes the solder.

Now while that is happening the guns integrated computer will calculate within a fraction of a second where the recoil is going and will expend some of the gas that the gunpowder makes and blow it out of the barrel in the opposite direction of the recoil therefore stabilizing the weapon.

The haymaker shotgun

This full auto 20 round shotgun is the main close corners weapon.


This pistol is the successor of the M1881 it fires 12mm pistol rounds.


The United republics of America has plenty of tank designs ranging in numbers to tens of thousands of them.

The M1A6 is the 6th generation of the M1 Abrams main battle tank
And fires 170mm shells and it is rumored that the U.R.A has over 15k of this Abrams model.

M3A5 bradley.

This tank while designed to mainly fight infantry it was given plenty of upgrades to allow for AA capabilities. The main AA weapons the M3A5 bradley uses is AA missles.

M144 apex Minotaur.

This is an AI controlled tank that has a auto loading 240mm main cannon with a smaller 130mm cannon three 50. Cal machine guns five 7.62 machine guns and two missle Silo's that are loaded with anti-tank missles.


The JagdabramsA1 tank used a railgun that fired a tungsten base projectile dozens of times faster than what the previous tanks could with gunpowder based munitions

The JagdabramsA2 was a tank that instead of firing a tungsten based projectile it fire a plasma bolt that would melt anything in its path.


F-55 Black void

The F-55 was designed as a multirole fighter that could fight in the atmosphere and in space but unlike its failure of an older brother the F-40 SpaceX the F-55 did its job far better and was a force to be reckoned with.

It had two extremely lightweight plasma bolters on its wings and could carry a ridiculous amount of missiles due to less weight from not having two hold thousands of bullets and thanks to its wider wingspan.

The the F-55 could fold its wings and allow for hypersonic flight but to do this it would have to be carrying less munitions.

A-110 hyper warthog

The A-110 just like its brother the A-10 warthog the A-110 was designed as a close air support fighter.

The A-110 uses a GAU-88/A lightbringer plasma cannon that could fire 8.600 plamsa bolts per minute.

AC-260 supernova

The AC-260 was designed for the same reason as it's outdated cousins.

And unlike it's cousins that used propellers this aircraft uses six jet engine's.

The AC-260 has three 88mm cannons two 110mm cannons and a 250mm cannon.

B-105 apex Destroyer

This is an AI controlled bomber could hold 76k in bombs and was designed for sub-hypersonic speeds.

The Arsenal bird apex Griffin.

The arsenal bird was designed to make the new MQ-69 hivemind an offensive weapon.

The arsenal bird uses 10 propellers with 8 smaller propellers on the wings and two bigger propellers in the center.


Alpha class MEGA-aircraft carrier.

Currently the navy has five Alpha class aircraft carriers.

These fusion powered aircraft carriers were designed to replace the old Nuclear powered Gerald R. Ford class aircraft carriers.

Being 3x the size as the GRF aircraft carriers they could hold far more than just aircraft.

The Alpha class aircraft carriers have twenty mkV railguns that fire a tungsten based projectile but also have plasma form around it to give the projectile more penetration. These aircraft carriers also have five missle silos for AA and AS combat.

Due to how armed the aircraft carrier is the navy decided to only has a few ships follow it to cut cost on repairs.

The omega class Railgun battleships.

As the name says these battleships use railguns.

The battleships use Triple berraled navy class railguns that can fire multiple different munitions like a basic tungsten projectile a Alpha class homing torpedo or another tungsten projectile that will explode on contact.

These battleships also have four missle silos.

Apex class Arsenal ship.

Just like the arsenal bird the arsenal ship was designed to make the MQ-69 hivemind an offensive weapon.

The ship will launch a rocket that has MQ-69s attached to its side. Once high enough the drones will detach and fly towards their enemys.

After the drones have detached the rocket will land back in the missile silo and be replaced with another rocket.

This ship has another AI controlled drone. The Sub-82 Aqua which are drone submarines.

The arsenal ship can only hold two of these drones.

The Sub-82 Aqua is stored in a special compartment under the ship that will open and release the drones.

Alicorn class Submarine.

The Alicorn class Submarines were designed to be multipurpose Submarines.

The main weapon of the alicorn class is a mkVI railgun that can fire a 1200mm tungsten projectile and could destroy a GRF class aircraft carrier with a single good shot.

The alicorn class has another two mklll railguns and is also fire aircraft.

And thats it for now

BTW im going to be replacing
The Parpaladin Empire and the
Gra valkan empire
With the
Great Britannian Empire
And the Aryan reich
From Freebrams

Due to some people saying that the aryan reich and great Britannian empire should just be addons instead of replacing the gra valkan empire and the parpaladin empire this will be changed.

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