Chapter 9: the A.F.N decimates the British wannabes: part 4

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A/N: hey guys i know i haven't updated in a while, the main reason I've been gone is due to my f@ucked up sleep schedule and massive burnout. However i was finally able to go to sleep early.

Also this chapter will be mostly focused on Washington.

Now on with the story.

Southern front.

The Americans and Europeans have made significant progress. The entire southern coast has been captured.

A tank convoy was moving forward with some JLTV's and neo-Strykers.

American Soldier: "you know I'll give the Britannian's some credit, they sure do fight hard for their country."

European soldier: "Ja zay zure do. Its pretty admirable."

Britannian pov.

The allied convoy made there way towards a fort. The Britannian's are terrified by what they have designated as metal monsters.

Britannian solder: "Sir the monsters are coming!"

The Britannian General looked on in horror as the unknown monsters moved towards the fort.

Britannian General: "Alright men i know it seems hopeless. But the king is here with us in spirit until the end. NOW WE MUST FIGHT FOR KING AND COUNTRY!"

The Britannian's gained a massive moral boost... However it means nothing compared too the might of the Alliance.

The Britannian's fired over the forts walls with muskets and 18th century cannons. These weapons while effective for their time, are seen as child's play to the opposition.

Britannian solder: "Sir there was no effect on the enemy monsters! What are you're orders!"

The General was about to say something but explosions from the monsters destroyed many of their cannons.

One of the monsters however had a different cannon design. It was strange with two bars with blue glowing on the inner parts of the bars. Suddenly the barrel started to glow even brighter with what appeared to be electricity forming within the strange cannon.

Suddenly it fired at one of the cannon towers making it collapse.

After all of this happend a wave of what seemed to be magical full-auto muskets fired at them.

The General had no idea how to fight back against this threat. But suddenly multiple of his men where cut down without warning.

He looked towards his men that were cut down, he did notice it looked like the area was burned. But the next thing he heard terrified him.



It sounded like a magical electric apex predator screaming towards its prey.

He looked up and saw a iron wyvern. He couldn't see it very well but he did notice four streaks of fire coming from the back of it.

Britannian General: "We lost the very second we sent that ultimatum didn't we... i will not have anymore of my men die, in a unwinable war."

The General gave the order to raise a white flag.

Britannian north coast.

The Americans could not express how confused they were. Right in front of them was their nation's first President George Washington.

George Washington: "Could you plese answer the question."

Commander Mark: "Uhhh yes we are sir."

George Washington: "But how, shouldn't America be on earth?"

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