Ch-14: Infiltrating the Gra Valkan Empire

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Gra Valkan Empire

"HQ this is AIA agent old dust of team 2. We are currently at Gra Valkan capital building. Orders?"

"Old dust we want your team to find a way to access the building. If this task is impossible at the moment stay back and let team 1 and RRI (Russian Republic Intelligence) team 1 do more recon and formulate a plan."

"Rodger that HQ"

Both American and Russian spies have successfully infiltrated Gra Valkan territory and are now trying to enter the capital.
However a setback has occurred. The capital building is more guarded then originally thought.

But all this setback has done is make the spies more motivated to enter the building. With the amout of security there had to be something of worth in the capital building.

"Old dust Sir i believe i have found a entrance we can use." Said a newer AIA member.

The older AIA member shifted towards the location the younger agent pointed out.

After a few minutes with no activity the older agent turned towards the younger blood. "Good work new blood." He said while pressing down on his ear piece. "HQ this is old dust of team 2. Agent new blood has discovered a entrance that is relatively unguarded."

"Good work team 2. Now before you enter remember to use those new hi-tech visors you bunch have been givin."

"Wilco" old dust said as he turned to new blood. "How many times do i have to tell you not to call me sir?" He said as he slapped new bloods back softly.

"Sorry. My mind is still under my parents influence. I was told to always respect my elders."

"Oh? So im some old geezer to you am I?" He replied faking a offended voice.

"Not at all old du-"

New blood didn't get to finish his sentence as old dust chuckled a bit.

"Its fine kid. Im not one of those oversensitive babies."

New blood slightly chuckled himself but quickly stopped as one of the other agents spoke.

"Not that im not enjoying the wholesomeness but we got a job to do."

Old dust quickly gave a reply. "Yes of course. Thanks for getting us back on track agent cupcake."

Cupcake sighed as he hated that nickname. He got it on his first training day by sneaking in a pink cupcake and being busted.

After all of that chatter the team then turned on the visors they wore and looked around.

Most of the team turned on night vision mode. But new blood decided to turn on x-ray mode.

"Old dust, turn on x-ray and look at right under the window at the carpet."

Old dust proceeded to do just that and notice that under the carpet was a hole.

"Huh. I didn't expect these Gra Valkans to use boobie traps such as these."

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