history of this alternate timeline part 2 (updated)

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The Russian Revolution.

During the Great war Russia spontaneously had a Revolution.

This Revolution had three major groups. The czar, the Republicans, and the Bolsheviks.

In 1919 the czarist faction fell, Only the Bolsheviks and Republicans remained.

In 1922 the two remaining factions were still in a stalemate, However the Republicans would get some much needed help.

The Russians after seeing how advanced the American's had become decided to base their constitution off the American's.

The United Republic's of America after stabilizing it's new South American lands realized that the Russian Republicans had decided to base their constitution off of America's and decided to contact them about it.

The Russian Republicans stated that they admired the U.R.A for it's revolutionary form of governance and decided to base the constitution on America's. Now while this was true it wasn't the only reason, the Russian Republicans were hoping that due to the similarities between the two it would make the U.R.A join the war on their side.

And during the talks the Russians asked if the U.R.A could join the war. However the U.R.A declined stating that the people didn't want war, and so with this the Russians brought out their trump card.

Due to the fact that they really needed outside assistance they decided to use any means necessary to get help and so they told the American's that they were willing to hand over 35% of all the oil their nation had aswell as 28% of their raw materials they had for the next 15 years.

This deal sparked a lot of interest to the American's and they told the Russians they would consider joining.

Two months have passed since the talks and congress was still debating on what they should do.

One congress man said that joining the war would cost to many American lives while another congress man said that the U.R.A would benefit greatly thanks to the deal the Russians proposed. However one congress man said the unthinkable and said that they should make a defensive alliance with the Russians.

After another month of bickering it was decided that the U.R.A would join the war.

The war only lasted another five months thanks to the American's.

And with the defeat of the Bolsheviks the Republic of Russia was born.

And with the defeat of the Bolsheviks the Republic of Russia was born

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With the newly formed Republic of Russia the Russian-American Alliance was made as a defensive and economic Alliance the two nations flourished.

Russia especially benefited from the alliance thanks to the new technology the Americans were giving them.

But it wasn't only Russia that prospered because the alliance.
Because of the deal the Russians and American's made the U.R.A was able to quickly upgrade the infrastructure in South America and bring it up to scratch.

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