Ch-17: pimp slapping some demons.

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With the demons pouring out of the doors of the world, America and her allies have been sending both supplies and money to help the not even five month old nation not perish.

Luckly this seems to be slowing the demons down by a shit ton as they have barly left the stone walls that surround the doors. But the demons are still making slow but noticeable progress as they seem to be using human wave tactics and are slowly dwindling the manpower of the Confederation.

However soon the first batch of solders from the alliance are finaly arriving to the shores of the Confederation.

General Sheperds pov.

"Finally about to get you morons into some action." I said to the men and woman I was about to send to take down satans spawn.

"I hope you pansys know what you're doing, because im not going too save your dumbasses if I hear that any of you did some stupid shit! Now any questions?"

"Sir no sir!"

I then looked at lieutenant Savana. "You better not fuck up with these men and women as they are some of my best solders to date."

"You have my word General." She replied.

With Nosgorath and his demon Generals

"So the humans have gained the ability to make firearms like the Empire?" Nosgorath asked.

"It appears so sir." One of the demonic generals said.

Nosgorath pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "Alright, do they have magic combustion planes?"

"Not that we can tell sir. All we've seen are wyverns."

That caused him to smirk and bring his hand down from his nose. "Then we can win."

He was about to start laughing like one of those movie villains but another demon busted through the door. "Sir we've got some trouble!"

In the skies above the doors of the world.

Two F-55MEs (ME stands for Magic Enhancement and these F-55s have been given the same magic upgrades as the F-66) were racing towards what was apparently a portal to some kind of hellish dimension. And that it had demons pouring out of it.

"Hyper wing 1-1 to Hyper wing actual do you copy?"

"This is Hyper wing actual we hear you loud and clear."

"Alright, Hyper wing actual we are approaching the destination and are seeing enemy demons in the sky. And they appear to be gargoyles."

"Hyper wing 1-1 and 1-2 you are both clear to engage the enemy."

"Copy that. Alright 1-2 are you ready to show satan's goons what happens when you mess with God's creations!?"

"You're God damn right I am 1-1."

Both Jets screamed through the sky at hypersonic speeds and quickly got in range of the gargoyles.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2022 ⏰

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