Chapter 2: An inevitable war part 1

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Two months after the light event.

Its been a couple months after the event and things have gone back to normal.

The State of Japan has joined the Alliance of Free Nations and has gone under "modernization" as the American's said.

The U.R.A read through the history books that the Japanese gave them and are... let's just say they are disappointed in their alternate selfs. With the ridiculous wars in the middle east and both the incompetence and clownery of the government aswell as the two party system that has done nothing but cause a mob rule.

Theirs a reason they chose a five party system.

These party are.

The Libertarian-Right party: This party is all about making a free and fair market. The reason why its fair is because this party is also meant to break up monopolies before they can cause damage to the market. It has broken up monopolies such as Alphabet Inc, Disney, ect.

The constitutionalist's party: This party is all about making sure the constitution is upheld and is the current leading party.

Technocratic-capitalist party: This party was formed after the American-British war after the American people realised that the only reason they won was due to the technology gap.

States rights party: Now while the name sounds bad the party is meant to make sure that the federal government dosen't take to much control.

The federalist party: this party is the exact opposite of the States rights party and was formed to make sure the country dosen't collapse.

Now back to the story.

With the help of the A.F.N Qua Toyne principality and the Quila kingdom Infrastructure and modernization was completed far quicker than anticipated.

Both nations asked if they could acquire some weaponry. While the State of Japan was reluctant on giving them advanced weaponry the U.R.A decided to sell them outdated weapons such as the M1 Grand.

Sadly just after all of this the A.F.N would have to enter its first war in this new world.

The Lourian kingdom.

Hark Louria the XXXIV the king of Louria was in a meeting with the rest of the Lourian government about the war they were about the declare.

"King Louria we are finally ready to end the demi-human scum" on senator told him.

King Lourian smile at first but quickly lost it due to some information they just received from their spys.

"Yes we are ready to fight the demi-humans but what about this Alliance of Free Nations that came to our coast a few days ago? Will they be of any concern?" The King asked.

"No your majesty they didn't even know what wyverns were when they came to our coast, they are most likely a bunch of new barbaric nations that just formed."

The King smirked "delightful, i can't wait for all of them to bow at my feet" The King began the laugh maniacally.

The city of Gim Qua Toyne.

The General was terrified with the amount troops the Lourians had on the border and knew what was about to happen and contacted the capital.

After the news reach Qua Toynes capital they immediately contacted their new allies.

A.F.N emergency meeting.

Due to this startling development the A.F.N had a meeting at once.

Once everone was seated the talks began.

President John T. McNeely went first. "We are gathered here today to talk about the mobilisation on both Qua Toyne and Quilas borders by the Kingdom of Louria."

The President of Europe Elizabeth Johnson spoke next. "We know that, the question is what should we do?"

The Russian President Vladimir Nicolas answered her. "We must join the war." He said with a stern voice.

"Oh and why should we?" The the President of Oceania George Thomas asked.

"Ill give you two reasons." President McNeely said making everyone look in hid direction. "The first reason is because of the beneficial trade we've had with them." "The second reason is because the Lourians are Genocidal against all non-human sapients."

This caused some of the leaders that were uncertain about joining this one to immediately change their minds.

A vote was passed around every governments congress and with the Genocidal habits of the Lourians all government gave the go for the war.

And therefore the A.F.N went to war.

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