chapter 5: Britannia's fatal mistake

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After the war against Louria the U.R.A is hoping for peace, until the Britannian's came up to their waters and threaten them with war.

President John decided to have a meeting with Congress.

"Hello there members of Congress. We have quite the subject today." The President said with an annoyed expression.

"Yes we do Mr. President."

The President then looked down at his paper's and began to speak. "Yesterday a convoy from the Great Britannian Empire came too our waters and threaten us with war stating. [we know your alliance is now weak thankes to that war against Louria. We are willing to spare you as long as you bow down to our Great Empire.]"

As soon as the President stopped speaking congress exploded. "How dare they!"
"It's obvious that they had access to information about the war, are they that dense?!"
"I say we attack them first and show the the power of not just America, but our truly Great alliance!"

"Enough!" The President yelled. "I know this is a great disrespect to not only to the people of America, but of all the great nations that make up this alliance."

Congress proceeded to settle down before one of them spoke "Mr. President what do you propose we do?"

"I propose that even after this obvious disrespect, we must try to open a diplomatic relationship with the Britannian's."

Multiple congressmen started ro argue that the Britannian's are nothing more then British wanna be's and that they should wait for them to do somthing stupid.

The President agreed with them but he wouldn't just wait around for the Britannian's to do something stupid. Especially if he could prevent it.

"Alright i believe this meeting is over." The President stated.

At sea

Some Britannian ships had gone to Qua Toyne and were on a special mission.

The Britannian government at the end of the day is nothing but a bunch of cowards that don't have the balls to followup on their threats.

The Britannian government decided that instead of going to war like they threaten, instead decided to try and coerce them into surrendering.

"We are almost at Qua Toyne, you all know what to do!" The admiral yelled.

"Yes sir!" The crew replied.

The Britannian's landed in a area with a lot of plant life and therefore cover for what they were going to do.

The Britannian's snuck around looking for the correct target's.

One of the crew members notice something and tapped the Admirals shoulder. "Sir i believe i see one of them."

The Admiral turned towards where the man was pointing.

What they were looking for was "peasants" of this Alliance of Free Nations.

"Good job mate you might just get promoted."

They waited for over 30min until they got the perfect opportunity to kidnap them.

"Alright on my go. 3... 2... 1... GO!"

The Britannian's quickly rushed the "peasants" but unfortunately for the Britannian's these "peasants" were American's.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Now while the American's were able to kill a few of the Britannian's they just couldn't win due to the ambush and the fact that there were more of them than the American's could deal with.

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