Chapter 7: The A.F.N decimates the British wannabes: part 2

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(A/N alright its getting close to the time that the A.F.N will show those Britannian's what democracy and capitalism looks like.)

(A/N i changed the name of the M150 because it just didn't make sense)

Qua Toyne.

With the treat of Britannian ships arriving at their shores prime minister kanata ordered the army to secure the beaches.

However that would turn out to not be necessary thanks to the A.F.N.

Prime minister kanata: (on the phone) "Wait so you're telling me you have destroyed the Britannian fleet heading to Rhodesia?"

President John: "Yes we have Prime minister kanata. The Britannian's are no longer a threat to you're country."

Prime minister kanata: "Well... thanks i guess."

President John: "Any time my friend."

The Britannia Empire.

King George: "What do you mean the fleet was destroyed!"

The ministry of war Frank: "I-it's as i said my Lord. The fleet that was sent to take Rhodesia has been destroyed."

King George: "How could it have been destroyed! We sent our best warships to take over those barbarians! Are you telling me some barbarians were able to destroy the fleet!"

Frank: "W-well my Lord it appears it was the American's."

King George: "You mean one of those barbarian nations that make up this so called "Alliance of Free Nations"! Utter nonsense, only weaklings band together!"

Frank: "Well it appears that the American's have some kind of guided light arrow."


Frank: "I-i-i know my lord but that was what the single ships crew that returned from the battle said."

King George: "Then they must have gone mad! Throw them in the dungeons for deserting!"

Frank: "It will be done my Lord. But that isn't the only thing that seems to be going wrong. Reports are coming in that a rebellion has started in our northern regions."

King George: "A rebellion! Who dares try to disrupt my glorious rule!"

Frank: "well sir we do have a name for the possible leader for this rebellion and his name it Washington."

At the white house.

President John was sitting in his office looking over the plans for operation: Scorched Empire.

President John: "so these are the final plans?" He asked while raising a brow.

Secretary of defense Juan Carlos: "yes Mr. President These are." He told John.

President John: "these plans seem foolproof thanks to how technologically illiterate these Britannian's are." He said before chuckling.

Juan Carlos: "why thank you Mr. President."

Operation: Scorched Empire

The Operation was put into motion and would spell the downfall of the Britannian Empire.

However it appears that a superpower goimg to war with a "barbarian" country and losing its first battle of the war has the rest of the world curious on who exactly these "barbarians" are.

Mu and the Holy Milishial Empire have decided to send observers to the American side of the war.

Mu observer: "I wonder what kind of technology these Americans have. I heard they mainly use mechanical machines."

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