Ch. 2: Bulma's Birthday Party, God of Destruction Arrived

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For today is the day by peace of the earth, and today is Bulma's birthday and she invite everyone to celebrate the birthday party from the big capsule boat.

For today is the day by peace of the earth, and today is Bulma's birthday and she invite everyone to celebrate the birthday party from the big capsule boat

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Gohan: Bulma, we'd all like to wish you...


They all drinking punches, eat their meal and enjoying the party but except one thing.

Bulma: What?! Goku is not coming?! Why would he be training on King Kai's planet during my birthday party?!

Piccolo: *arms crossed* Do you really need to ask that?

Bulma: Seriously, I said the guy has save the day more than 6 months.

Gohan: Say where's Vegeta?

Bulma: Well he's off training too. *sigh* I've just about had it with you saiyans.

Chi-Chi: Well not every saiyans who needs to be trained and try something different.

Bulma: What are you talking about Chi-Chi?

Chi-Chi: *giggle* See it for yourself Bulma.

She point the direction where it is, they see Xyro is doing a very skills of cooking grill and every Chefs are amazed he's getting it.

Xyro: And that is what you don't underestimate the grill master gentlemen.

Chef 1: That's amazing, truly.

Chef 2: I think you'll be a perfect one to become a new chef there young man.

Xyro: *laugh* Thank you very much, I appreciate it.

Xyro look at Bulma and wave at her with his smile.

Bulma: Oh yeah, I forgot about him, he really is something doesn't he?

Gohan: Well look on the bright side, at least he's having a good time.

Chi-Chi: *smile* He sure is. Oh I sure hope he'll find a perfect lady to marry him one day, I just know it.

Piccolo look at Xyro, thinking if he did by his training for the last 6 months before celebrate the party. So he goes on him.

Xyro: Alright gentlemen, I hope you enjoy the show!

Piccolo: Seems you enjoy you day, are you? I hope you kept your training during the last 6 months.

Xyro: Yeah, I do enjoy it and yes, I did kept my training and I able to master of a super saiyan 4 and get this, I discovered by the full power of a super saiyan 4 the limit breaker.

Piccolo: The limit breaker huh?

Xyro: Yup, it's almost like the similar of a Kaioken but I'll show you later, but right now, I'll enjoy this party today.

Piccolo: *smile* Hmph, no wonder why Chi-Chi wants you to try different than training, no doubt it.

Xyro: *smile* You're right on that part but I'm still not giving up my saiyan's pride.

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