Ch. 12: Fight Against the Monstrous Android (Z-Fighters vs Evil Android 21)

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(Author: Well guys, the vote has been decided, I'm putting Xyro as Autonomous Ultra Instinct for the next chapter and I hope you guys will like the story. So without further ado, let's get on today's chapter.











The Z-Fighters are flying to the direction to find and defeat Evil 21 so the earth will be save not just only the planet but the whole universe will be save.

Xyro: So the evil of you wants to create the morsels by feeding her hunger in order to achieve her goal.

Android 21: Yes, I don't want any of that. I just don't want to follow the path like her it really scares me.

Xyro: Don't feel bad 21, I understand how it feels of fear. Believe me, I had this fear ever since I watch the death from my parents and I waited for so long to avenge them to defeat Frieza.

Android 21: I see, you love them so much and they love you.

Xyro: Yeah, very much.

Goku: Heads up guys, I sense a horrifying power! We're getting close!

Once they finally arrived, they see the whole landscape area was destroyed and it shown the lava until they spotted Evil 21 standing to wait, so they land on the ground.

Piccolo: There she is now!

Android 21(Evil): Oh goody! Looks like you all arrived just in time. It's time to devour all of you at once! And then I'll eat you so much into sweets!

Goku: Wait!

Android 21(Evil): ...... *groan* What now?! I was about to bash your face!

Goku: Sorry but.... you're a whole lot stronger than I thought. I think we should go somewhere that we can really let it loose.

Krillin: Where to?

Vegeta: So you're putting the planet to get safety first, eh Kakarot?

Goku: That's right! If we fight here on earth Well having a big mess here, you know what I mean?

Android 17: You're saying that we should fight someplace else off the planet earth, huh?

Android 18: He does always has the idea and he always screw things up somehow.

Goku: Aww come on, don't say that!

Vegeta: Oh really, Kakarot? What's your stupidity idea on where should we go there, huh?!

Xyro: I know a place we can go far away.

They got attention on Xyro.

Gohan: You do? Where exactly?

Xyro: Someplace that you guys never know I been there. Everyone, grab on me.

So the Z-Fighters grab on Xyro's shoulders and their shoulders to another and they all look at Evil 21.

Xyro: See you in the other planet, Evil 21.

Xyro use the instant transmission to teleport somewhere else to get off the earth to another planet.

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