Ch. 15: Xyro's First Date, The Troublemaker, Special Night [18+]

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In the afternoon on the midtown, Xyro is waiting for Android 21 for his very first date after they finish their training on the Hyperbolic Time Chamber for three years. Right now, he's wearing a red shirt, black pants and still wrapping his tail as a brown belt.

Xyro: Not gonna lie, this regular clothes doesn't look so bad. It's very comfortable, good thing Chi-Chi help me out to choose any type of casual clothes.


Chi-Chi: If you're going on a date with 21, you need to wear some nice clothes for your date. You can get any type of every clothes you want to choose. We're going to help 21 to choose her new clothes.

Flashback End

Xyro: I kinda like this type of clothing. Maybe I should try something different instead wearing my Saiyan suit all day. I mean, just only for the training or the battle whenever there's another threat.

???: Oh my god! Hey Xyro, over here!

Xyro look around and saw a woman with a blue hair wearing the red handkerchief on her head, a green belly baring tanktop, yellow short shorts, brown fingerless gloves and red shoes worn with green socks.

Xyro look around and saw a woman with a blue hair wearing the red handkerchief on her head, a green belly baring tanktop, yellow short shorts, brown fingerless gloves and red shoes worn with green socks

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The woman rush at Xyro and give a hug.

???: Oh Xyro, I miss you so much!

Xyro: Hey Launch, it's been a while since I saw you when those robbers were trying to capture you so I have no choice but to bring them down.

Launch: You really did take them down just to save me but I'm pretty sure the other part of me is satisfy for both of us.

Xyro: Yeah, I remember you told me about your personality behavior and I'm surprised you're still wearing the same clothes. Doesn't it bother you for what you're wearing?

Launch: *giggle,* I still getting used to it and so does the other part of me. *notice Xyro's casual clothes,* Well look at you, they look really good on you. Are you having a date with someone?

Xyro: *nervous laugh,* Yeah, I'm still waiting on her to come and start our date.

Launch: You're a lucky man, Xyro! I knew this feeling that one day, you'll find a perfect lady for you to go on a date and sooner or later, you two will get married! *place her cheeks,* Oh I am so proud for you.

Xyro slightly blush and scratch back of his head.

Xyro: Uhh... thanks Launch. Perhaps we can invite you for our wedding when the time comes, if you like.

Launch: I would love that, I won't forget. Well, gotta get going, bye Xyro! Have fun with your date!

Then Launch walk on the different direction and Xyro watches her leaving.

Xyro: Hm, It's good thing I able to talk to Launch.

Android 21: Sorry I'm late, Xyro.

Xyro turn around and saw Android 21, she's in human form, wearing the red dress and without her glasses. Xyro slightly blush to see her dress as a young lady.

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⏰ Last updated: a day ago ⏰

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