Ch. 4: A Saiyan God Warrior against A God of Destruction (Xyro vs Beerus)

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Beerus: Let the battle of gods..... begin.

Xyro charge at Beerus while it got a little surprise, Xyro throws a punch at Beerus but he caught Xyro's fist then it made a crater out, everyone even Vegeta were shock to see the power of a god.

Beerus: Tell me Xyro, how does it feel to become a part of a god?

Xyro: Truth is, I'm speechless and it shocks me at the same time.

Beerus: I see, even you become a god, do you think you take me down by destroy the earth?

Xyro: Don't know, but I have to try even it means it'll cost my life.

They both rise up out of a boat then Beerus throws a kick and Xyro block it and fight it back, Beerus dodge the punches and the kicks and he try to use to chop on Xyro's neck but Xyro caught it and swipe it back then he use his butthead and it send it away in the middle of an ocean and Xyro stop and flies back and gives him to a combat fists and swing his kick to Beerus.

Beerus: Yes, very good, you're doing it good. But you have to do better than that!

They both clash their fists and continuing to fight, they keep warping to see the shockwaves and everyone sees where it coming from. When Beerus was about to slam it down from his head, Xyro disappear which it surprise him then he felt been hit from his back and Xyro grab his tail begins to swirl it around and he throws it hard and rush him to get there.

Roshi: There heading to a different direction! Let's follow them!

They rush to get in the capsule corp ship. Vegeta and the Z-fighters flies up to follow them. They saw Beerus and Xyro's battle right in the middle of an ocean.

Piccolo: Looks like there ramping it up.

The both rush when Xyro throws a punch but Beerus loop and gives a massive kick but Xyro block it.

Beerus: Good, that's a spirit. I'm surprise you can keep up with me.

Xyro: Yeah, but it'll take more than that to defeat me and I won't lose!

Xyro push Beerus back but he didn't see his speed and give a rapidly kicks and swing it straight and he flash it and give a massive kneed on his spine.

Beerus: Graaah!!!

Xyro: Try this on for size! *arms X crossed* Haaaaaah!!!!

He use the ki explosion to damage on Beerus and includes several of the trees in pieces.

Beerus: I must admit, I felt that explosion a little bit. However...

Beerus flash his speed and wrap his tail on Xyro's neck and give a massive punch which he spits on saliva and he toss it away with his tail. And for everyone, they're watching him how he fights, but then Whis knock from the glass window and he open using his hand without breaking it.

Whis: Sorry to interrupt but I need to know about this delicious confection I'm holding.

Android 18: Oookay, that's a bowl of ice cream.

Whis: Ice cream you say, how marvelous. I've never had anything like it, seems ridiculous to make food this cold but it totally works. Can you tell me how it's made, is it very complicated?

Android 18: I don't know, you just buy it.

Whis: Well excuse me, seems this cream isn't the only thing on this planet that's cold. *he took a bite an ice cream* Ohohoho! So, was that amusing a joke, I've been working on my comedy skill?

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