Ch. 11: Unexpected Enemies, A New Threat of Consumption

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Xyro, Turles and Slug are glaring like they have met a long time and the androids are unexpected to see it coming.

Android 17: Hold on, you know those guys?

Xyro: Yeah, they're the ones who challenge me ever since I serve on Frieza. Turles wants to rule the planet in order to achieve his goal, The fruit of the tree of might. Once he'll get it he decide to kill Kakarot. And Slug wants to embrace the darkness of pure evil and tries to rule the earth, he use the dragon balls to make himself young as a super Namakian like Piccolo and become immortality. That's how I know them so far, and from when I heard about is that Kakarot was the one who defeat them and save the earth.

Android 18: Wow, so your saying they're actually weak?

Xyro: Seems so.

Slug: Who are you calling us weak, you bastard?!

Xyro: But enough of that, how did you two come back to life?

Turles: Hmph, even we're confused as well. But, we're not the only ones who brought us back to life, *smirk* and I'm sure the others are also alive when Kakarot kill any of us.

Xyro: Hm?

Then Android 16 scan the signatures all around the world from a threat detected.

Android 16: I'm picking up more energy, powerful than the clones. We should go there immediately.

Slug: Not so fast, if you're going somewhere else, you'll have to go through us.

Turles: Plus, we have a score to settle, from you Xyro. If you're wandering, we're not the same time like you face us before from a long time.

Slug: This is our chance to get revenge on you, brat!

Xyro: If you think you can bested me then you're complete thought wrong. I also became stronger for the past these years, even you two come back alive your power is still no match against me and you won't be stay alive anymore, Goodbye!

Xyro use the energy pulse to push them farther away and he follow them.

Android 18: Xyro wait!

Android 16: No, let him go. Xyro knows what to do.

Android 18: But, what if he needs help?

Android 17: Relax sis, knowing him, he'll do exactly the same thing from the last time he defeat them both.

(Scene Change)

Just then, Turles and Slug land on the east city that it's been destroyed and Xyro land on the ground.

Turles: You drag us here in this place? Well, that's an unusual.

Slug: So then, you ready to die by our hands, Saiyan brat?

Xyro: No, it is YOU who's going to die and neither of you don't stand a chance against me.

Turles: You fool, a mere Saiyan can take me down? With this fruit I'll eat, it makes me grow stronger. Once I'll get this tree to grow again this planet will be mine!

Slug: Heh! It's laughable for anyone who dares to challenge the superior warriors like us!

Xyro: Enough of this!!

Xyro goes with the stance.

Slug: Don't you dare to shush us you little punk!

Turles: You might as well to surrender now, Xyro. And I promise you that I'll spare your life.

Xyro: Not a chance, Turles! I won't surrender an evil saiyan like you. I knew you're very cold expression for the way you talk! You and Slug don't even stand a chance against Kakarot and Vegeta, they became stronger these years.

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