Ch. 8: The Battle Between the Three Saiyans! (Goku and Vegeta vs Xyro)

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On the Bulma's place, Everyone is celebrate for the victory for defeating Frieza from Xyro, and now he's eating so much of a meal like he hasn't been eaten for a long time, including Goku, Goten and Trunks all together like barbarians.

Bulma: And that's how Xyro betray his master when he was a little boy.

Videl: Oh my god, so Xyro has been suffer everything because from that monster, guess it must been so hard for him on the past.

Android 18: Such a very sad story. I feel so sorry about him. This Frieza guy only wants to kill all the Saiyans.

Chi-Chi: Oh poor dear Xyro, I really wish I could just use the dragon balls to bring his parents back to life so he'll be very happy.

Bulma: Yeah me too, but at least he avenge his parents and everyone of all different planets.

The ladies look at Xyro enjoying the meal with Goku and the kids.

Android 18: *small smile* Hm, he sure did.

The ladies are still having a conversation for Xyro finding a perfect girl for him to get married while Beerus is angry at Whis for sneaking around by eating a delicious meal without him telling and keeping a secret. Gohan had something on his mind about the battle so he goes to Piccolo.

Gohan: Piccolo, I know I gave everything I get but it still not enough to catch up with Xyro, and that's the problem. Will you train me back when I was a kid? I have a growing family that I need to protect and that makes me want to fight alongside with you and Xyro as much as I can.

Piccolo: .....I understand, but it won't be easy to train, you let yourself very soft so you need to brace yourself for some hard work, kid.

Gohan: I look forward it, thanks.

Goten: So Xyro, how does it feel like becoming a Super Saiyan 5?

Trunks: Yeah I wanna know too.

Xyro: It feel like utilizing by overwhelming strength and power, it looks resemblance like the version of a Super Saiyan 3 but a different similar power type.

Trunks: Woah, that is so cool!

Goku: Hehehe! I'm actually in shock to see your new heights of your transformation Xyro. I mean, this looks so strong. I can feel that energy, it's amazing.

Xyro: Thanks Kakarot, that's why I have to get stronger and stronger so we can work this together, or perhaps I need to do this on my own when I'm going away with my life.

Then Xyro look at Vegeta looking the sky and still thinks if he's angry. So he decide to go up and talk to Vegeta.

Xyro: Vegeta.

Vegeta turns around and face at Xyro.

Xyro: Listen, I know you're mad at me for not keeping my pride of a saiyan myself, because I didn't have a—

Xyro cut off his sentence when Vegeta raise his hand to stop talking to explain.

Vegeta: I understand what you're about to say and you got yourself a shame. Believe me, I feel the same thing when I serve on that bastard Frieza.

Xyro(surprised look): What? You too?

Vegeta: That was a long time ago, I notice when Frieza destroy our planet and I didn't care about but to follow his commands. When I land on the planet Namek, I decided to get this Dragons Balls to get a wish by achieved into a Super Saiyan, but I was wrong, I gave everything he ask of us for the request mission but it still not enough. He killed my father, your parents, even all of the Saiyans, I betray Frieza cuz he's a fool who never understands about the power of Saiyans.

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