Ch. 14: Reborn as a New Ultimate Android, Android 21's Confession

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(Author: Hey Followers and FanReaders, I would like to say thank you for 28.2k readers and 447 votes so far, I didn't think it could be this popular story but it's a very start and I'm sure you read my other stories what I published. And again, thank you all so much. So without further ado, let's get on today's chapter.











Xyro is still unconscious by laying on Android 21's lap while she still healing his injuries using her magic and the Z-Fighters are watching.

Krillin: That was an intensity fight for Xyro.

Tien: Yeah, he has a new form that we don't recommend it before.

Goku: But I was wondering about something, well Xyro can do it again?

Piccolo: I don't think it's possible, Goku. If Xyro can master the power and learn to control it then he'll be able to surpass his limit.

Just for a minute, Xyro's wounds has disappear and when it healed he gain conscious as he open his eyes and groan while the others heard Xyro when he got up and rub his head.

Xyro: Wha.. What happened?

Android 21: Xyro!! You're awake!

Android 21 hug Xyro as he got surprised.

Android 21: *eyes tear,* I'm so glad you're awake! I was worry about you!

Xyro: Hey easy there 21, I'm sorry for worrying you about me. I'm alright.

Android 21: Are you sure? You don't want me to heal you more?

Xyro: *smile,* Don't worry, you heal my wounds and I'm all better now, thank you.

Android 21 smile with a slightly blush as she wipe her tears and she hug him one more time. Then Xyro see Gohan with his tears.

Xyro: Hey Gohan.

Gohan: Xyro, I'm so sorry. It's all my fault that I wasn't strong enough to fight alongside of you.

Xyro walk to Gohan and place his hand on Gohan's shoulder.

Xyro: Don't blame yourself, I can sense your power has awaken. It's the same power what you fought against Super Buu, I say you did your best. That's the power what you need to find.

Gohan wipe his tears with his arm and he smile.

Gohan: Yeah, I did. All I need is to train so I won't left out to you guys. Thanks Xyro.

Xyro extend his hand and clench his fist to make a fist bumped and Gohan fist bumped back as Saiyan bros and Vegeta step in.

Vegeta: Alright Xyro, spill your beans, what was that form you achieved? How did you do it? I need to know.

Goku: Yeah, me too. That form was crazy when you dodge so fast.

Xyro: .... Well..... to tell you the truth, I'm not sure myself. It happens so fast and I couldn't remember.

Vegeta: *groan,* Figures. I don't know how you did it but I want to see that new power of yours again.

Goku: Same goes for me.

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