Ch. 9: Something's Not Right, Another Android?! Reunion of Androids

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It's been over a month and 3 weeks since the day when Xyro left his friends for adventuring his own life. And now Xyro is standing the top of the city watching people lives in peace and he feels the wind blow on his hair and his tail for make him calming him down and having a fresh air.

Xyro: Maybe I should start train myself somewhere far away so I won't disturb them.

Then he heard his stomach growl.

Xyro: But I need to grab a bite otherwise it could get a little problem.

When he was about to head a restaurant, he see an explosion from the southwest direction and hear people screaming of danger. Xyro flys off to see what's going on here, then he dodge an incoming energy blast and suddenly his body feels weight a second ago but he feels better now.

Xyro: Weird, somehow I feel weak from my body and now I feel better. What's going on?

Xyro hears more explosions all around the city so he flys fast to check who it was when he land on the middle of the road, he see a shadow figure by the smoke of explosion. When the smoke clears out, he see Goku but in Super Saiyan and his clothing is black and red but not orange and blue.

 When the smoke clears out, he see Goku but in Super Saiyan and his clothing is black and red but not orange and blue

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Xyro: Kakarot?! What's going on? Did you take care of something?

Citizen male: Hey you! Get away from that monster!

Xyro: Huh?

Xyro sense an incoming punch by Goku so he dodge the punches and the kicks. Everyone sees Xyro how amaze he's dodging, when Xyro grab both of his fists he send Goku backing away from inches.

Xyro: Kakarot, what's wrong with you? It's me, Xyro!

Goku smirk of madness and Xyro was surprised but something tells him on his mind.

Xyro: Wait a minute, you're not Kakarot. Who the hell are you?!

The unknown Goku extended his hand and blast the energy at Xyro but he deflect to the midair and he turn around that there so many people around this city.

Xyro: *thought* Damn it! I have to keep away those people as far away as possible. *speak* Alright faker Kakarot! You want me?! Come and get it!

Xyro flews off as fast as he could and the Faker Goku follows him and fires the barrage energy blasts while Xyro dodges every blasts and they gone so far away from the city and land on the wasteland area.

Xyro flews off as fast as he could and the Faker Goku follows him and fires the barrage energy blasts while Xyro dodges every blasts and they gone so far away from the city and land on the wasteland area

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