The Portal and the Empire

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A/N: Literally wrote most of the chapter while listening to an Astartes Chaplain screaming "What is your duty?" You know that Fortress-Monastery animation. If any of you wish to listen to the video, here it is:

Frater Dux Johann Pelperatrius, an officer of the Steel Wyverns Legion and a veteran of the Mortem Frater, the Elites of the Wyverns.

Having gone through more than 500 battles and commanded over 350 of his battle-brothers in those battles. He is both revered and respected throughout the officer corps of the Wyverns.

His skill and experience as a leader and commander had given him the position of the Dux of Cohors - V, the fifth company of the Wyverns and the one that held the greatest number of Domare Fratres which also meant they wielded the highest number of Dracones.

Out of all the companies, Cohors - V, has tamed over 2,000-4,000 dracones. Appropriately named as the 'Draco Reges,' or the Dragon Kings, they have mastered the way of domesticating the walking tanks.

When the Minneaut Crusade had ended with the battle between Arturius and the Blue One as it's climax, a 'Portal' had appeared or formed from a surviving arch of the city, the Lord-Primarch has called for a fleet to arrive and explore the other side.

- Command Room of Draco Angelus V -

In the Command Room of Draco Angelus V, many workers were on their computers and workstations overlooking the statistics of the ship and keeping it stable and working. An Astartes is overlooking the planet below through the glass panels of the room, a man then called out to the Astartes.

"Lord-Astartes, we have arrived to Minneaut Prime."

"Prepare my Fulgur-Aquila for departure. My father shall not wait."

"Immediately, Lord."

The man then pressed some buttons on his station as the Astartes exited the room with 8 more following him out. This is Johann Pelperatrius, with his esteemed Honor Guard.

- Fields of Aurema -

Gorkamorka, now renamed to Aurema. Was now turned into a makeshift military base with a form of a drop pad close to the now rebuilt gates.

The fields nearest to the city-now-fortress were dotted with new buildings and tents that had many Astartes either there to rebuild the city into a fortress with new autocannons and tesla weaponry on the various towers of the walls. Or to accompany Johann in his exploration.

Arriving to the drop pad of the fortress was the Fulgar-Aquila of Johann with a group of Astartes moving to the front of the drop pad to greet the Dux with one of them holding the Legion's banner. As the Fulgar-Aquila's doors opened, a ramp formed going down to the floor of the drop pad with the first to march out are the Honor Guard with Terminator-Styled armor with power spears, as they marched out and stood at attention along the ramp of the Fulgar-Aquila.

Johann then went out with his Honor Guard standing at the sides of the ramp now kneeling with their power spears lighting up in unison. The group of Astartes bowed their heads to him while one of them stepped forward and greeted him.

"Welcome to Aurema, Frater Dux."

"Enough with the pleasantries, where is father?"

"He is currently at the portal with numerous Techtite engineers studying it."

"I see. Lead the way, brother."

The Astartes nodded and moved with his group following suite. Johann wasn't quick to follow, behind him his Honor Guard followed.

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