A short Peace I

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The winds blew and the day grew colder as the star that was the sun of Falmart slowly went into the horizon with night taking its place. This area was one under Empire control though it was no area to be proud of.

Wounded men as pools of their blood surrounded them as physicians and healers did their best to use both their scientific and magical knowledge to heal them yet the horror and carnage that which they saw in Alnus was, in their words, beyond anything they could have ever imagined.

Weapons that used magic so powerful that the greatest mages paled in comparison; contraptions and chariots made entirely of steel as it roared a terrifying noise that defied any that dared to go against it.

This is an encampment, one of numerous others, where from all soldiers and warriors who 'survived' the battle, or slaughter, of Alnus were treated and rested. Those who resided in the encampment varied from the levies who came from farmers to villagers taken from their home to be enlisted into the army to the 'professional' Imperial soldiers of the Imperial Legion to the highest of the martial hierarchy: the officers and noblemen.

One such noble was not just a noble but a king: King Duran of of the Imperial Protectorate of Elbe, was the one who oversaw the entirety of the Imperial Forces in Alnus; his status led him to be treated in a church. Yet now, now King Duran was lying upon a bed, his left arm and leg amputated with bloodied medical cloths upon them.

His image of a king of martial prowess and tactical ingenuity like no other but now the Great King of Elbe was nothing but a shell of himself, a 'Corpse clinging on to life' like some nobles would say if they ever saw the king's current image.

In the room, there stood Princess Pina, her information gathering on Alnus and the 'newcomers' to Falmart led her to where she was now. The shock that came to her at seeing the man who she came to know as a great man was now nothing.

Her shock overcame her as her voice left her mouth.

"King Duran... "

Her voice, in a shocked tone yet not one of loud frequencies, took the attention of the king. He turned his head as he took a look at the princess with his remaining eye.

"Princess Pina? What brings you here?"

His voice was raspy and slow as the energy in him was focused on his recovery.

"When I was searching for information on Alnus, there were some who said there was a man of high birth in this encampment."

"Information? Do you not know what happened at Alnus?"

At that, Pina's expression changed from shock to worry.

"Have you not heard of anything? About what utter carnage and horror that was brought down on the allied nations' armies?

The Imperial Army was defeated before we even fought, yes? The emperor knew that, yet he called upon the armies of the allied nations anyway. We were always a potential threat to the Empire, so he used Alnus as the perfect way to get rid of us."

Pina then went to the side of the king and kneeled.

"I-I'm aware that the Imperial Army was defeated beforehand, but... " She was cut off.

"Princess, the allied nations fought bravely and utterly till the end. Yet our combined forces were incapable of seeing our true enemies from the rear."

"Your rear?"

"Don't you understand? The Empire! They are our true enemies!"

Complete and utter shock came to the princess.

"Your Highness, at least tell me what you know of the enemy!" Her hands now upon the hand of the king, a plea to him.

Yet such a thing did not phase the king but merely annoyed him, he swatted her hands away, the quick movement pained his still recovering body as he now put his hand on his paining shoulder.

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