Lorem ipsum dolor sit Familia

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Even as Faltra was in a state of conflict, the peoples of the world lived their lives. The present threat of the JSDF and the Wyverns were concerns of the Empire, not its citizens, the people worked and relaxed not giving a worry to the advancing armies but worrying about getting food on their tables.

Such was the life of a feudal world, like so many others, this one was no different, taverns littered the land as all peoples of social standings mingled and drank side by side. Though that wasn't the only thing that happened in taverns, rumors and gossip spread through the land by word of tongue.

Such a situation is happening in such a tavern, a bar maid was serving a table as she serves the cups of alcohol, she tells the table of a rumor.

"You really think that bullshit is real?!"

The bar patron argued, the bar maid quite annoyed at his remark. Another patron then said.

"That's just some tale by an idiot!"

"It's true!"

As the bar maid bickered with the table, another patron from a table next to them gave a snide remark.

"You sure you weren't knocked out when the whole thing happened?"

"Don't believe me! See if I care."

At that, both tables laughed as the bar maid walked off to serve other patrons. At a different table, four individuals heard the conversation, these men and women were different from the common patrons of the tavern, the men wore steel-plated armor as the women wore lightly plated armor.

"What do you think?"

She was the closest to hear the conversation. Short and brown hair, the woman asked her friend.

"What do I think?"

Out of the two men, this one had a less built body yet also looked younger. He had short blonde hair with a small patch of hair on his chin. Picking up his cup of alcohol he comments on the status of the tavern.

"The bar is filthy, the beer's nasty, and so is the food."

At that, the older man gazed at his junior and remarked.

"Norma, we are on a secret mission to Alnus Hill, and we're talking about a fire dragon."

From the utterance of the mission, the other woman, who had long red braided hair, spoke.

"You're too loud."

"Ah. Forgive me Princess Pina."

"You are forgiven, Grey. Hamilton, keep going."

The brunette nodded at the request.

 "Right. The rumor's spreading like wildfire. From what the rumors say, a band of mercenaries wearing green uniforms are evacuating the residents of Coda Village, but that isn't the center of the rumor. A group of men clad in grey armor from head to toe killed a fire dragon, there are numerous stories on how these giant men killed the dragon but some say they used magic that conjured the power of the sun to burn the dragon."

"There's all talks of dragons, from ancient dragons to newborn dragons, and winged dragons, too. A story of giant men wearing steel is just like the rest, stories."

Then the same bar maid who argued with the nearby tables a minute before had walked over to the group.

"It was a real Fire Dragon, sir."

She said as she placed a pitcher of alcohol on the table.

"You can't fool me!"

"I saw it with my own eyes!"

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