Stipulations of the Treaty

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"I am the sage, Kato El Altestan... "

The old wizard started; the JSDF had all refugees come forward and introduce themselves. First of them was Kato, an old wizard who lived close to Kota Village with his young apprentice, he was holding onto his staff as he introduced himself.

Being of a shorter stature compared to his apprentice, Kato looked up behind him to his blue-haired apprentice and motioned his hand to her.

"... and this is my apprentice."

"Lelei la Raleena."

Overseeing the introductions and writing all the information, Itami wrote down on his pad while Mari and Shino did the talking.

With Kato and Lelei finished introducing themselves, Rory was motioned to come up for her introduction. Even after near two days of knowing each other, the JSDF soldiers were still dumbfounded that a petite woman such as Rory could carry the massive waraxe without a sweat.

"I'm Rory Mercury, the Apostle of Emroy, God of Death, Darkness, and War; but I guess you already knew that from our earlier meetings."

'No shit, Miss Demigoddess.' Itami had thought as he wrote down Rory's name and title. Next came the blonde elf who had suddenly awoken in the HMV and informed the JSDF of the dragon's weakness.

The girl was obviously anxious and shy as her body was uncontrollable. She kept moving her arms, shoulders, and legs as she introduced herself.

"I am the daughter of Hodolue, of the forest of Koan, Chuka Luna Marceau. And... "

As Chuka's words stopped with her train of thought trailing off on what to say next. Itami formulated a sentence in his mind but halted since he still needed practice on the Special Region language.

Takeo opened a handbook on the Special Region's language in front of Itami and that was when he formulated his sentence, or so as far as his language skills could take him.

"T-Today, make house o-outside... "

Then Itami opened his arms and bent his knees in a motion that a person would take an infant.

"So, everyone!"

Then raising his arms in the air and making motions normally seen in choreography then went to a motion of running.

"Get ready! Go!"

Staying in a still running position, the pure embarrassing feel in the air for Takeo, Mari, and Shino fell on them. Takeo couldn't take it and had to say his mind.

"Lieutenant, are you sure those language classes you took, or said you took, really paying off?"

At that, Itami's form now stood straight and all his body faced Takeo.

"Shut up."


Now on a field of dirt, the Falmartians were surrounded by numerous excavators as the vehicles took in pile after pile of dirt. In the minds of the Falmartians; these metal carriages were doing some God's work as no vehicle could do such a thing.

In some part of the crater, Kato and Lelei stood at the back of the working excavators.

"What in the Gods' names are they doing?"

"Well the green man said that they were building houses for us so maybe this is how they do it?"

"Well if they think houses are made of dirt then Gods' save us though maybe they're clearing land for better placement. Either way, now we can finally bring our things out of the carriage. Unfortunately, I shall need a nap to do that. As chaotic as it looks, you may look around, Lelei, though be careful."

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