False Apostolus

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Antonius had wished to look over the weaponry and armor of the JSDF but he firmly waited patiently to go to Alnus but many a time did he have the urges of just using the Nulla-Conspectu and taking the weapons for himself, thankfully Luciu was there to remind him of the consequences of such actions.

Tenaerys and Emeretum were watching the natives as they waited for Octavi to return, Filius on the other hand is using his medicinal talents to assist Mari of the wounded and sick.

A few minutes later, Octavi returned while Itami went to his own team.

"So what happened, Dux?"

"The Lieutenant and I have agreed that if we assist them in relocating the natives to a farther area then once the task is finished, they shall escort us to Alnus."

"I see... Orders?"

"Wait until Rumus arrives with the Lux. Until then we shall assist the JSDF and natives in any problems they cannot handle themselves."


It would only be a few moments later when the thunderous sounds of the Ureum-Abelonum Engine filled the air of the village as the fields near the village would have large tracks.
A/N: The Ureum-Abelonum Engine is an ancient Techtite engine which was created by Ureum Numeus and Abelonum Pilentes.

The Lux drove to the front of the caravan with Octavi, Tenaerys and Emeretum awaiting its arrival. The JSDF were alarmed at the speed and size of the vehicle in front of them but seeing that the Marines did not bring out their weapons, they themselves did not.

The Lux halted in its advance and stopped at the front of the caravan, directly in front of the three marines. The doors of the vehicle opened and from it came a similarly tall and large figure who wore a dark bluish robe with a symbol at the back, underneath it is similarly colored armor though the armor had a large area at the behind, an Adipiscing Nibh which allows the mobile production of ammunition and medicines used by the Wyverns.

"Rumus, a flashy introduction."

"Forgive me, Dux. I did not mean to 'show off,' as our ancestors say."

"You are forgiven though next time please do go at a slower pace."

Octavi then went closer to Rumus and whispered to him.

"The natives and JSDF would not be able to handle the sonic boom of the Lux."

"Understood, Lux. It won't happen again."

Octavi nodded then looked behind him to see Itami there.

"Who is this, Captain?"

"I think it'd be better if he would introduce himself. Rumus."

Rumus then placed his right fist on his left breastplate and announced.

"Tech-Marine Rumus Irdent of the Alumni Scientia Agmen of the Second Cohort of the Steel Wyverns Legion."

"Nice to meet you."

Rumus nodded then looked back to Octavi.

"What are our next orders, Dux?"

"Assist the JSDF in their mission then they shall take us to Alnus. As well, place the Lux on autopilot because all of us will be guarding the caravan."

"Understood, Dux."

Rumus said as he hit his left breastplate. He then went into the Lux and placed PAM to autopilot.

* 20 Minutes Later *

After seeing to the wounded and sick and allowing rest, the caravan resumed to move with the Lux going behind the JSDF vehicles. Octavi and the others walked at the sides of the caravan protecting its sides like a shield.

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