A Short Peace II

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The Guardsmen of the Imperium are its first defense against the myriad threats and horrors that plague the galaxy. Each regiment is like an army in itself with dozens, if not, hundreds of officers and commissars in them; tens to upwards of hundreds of millions of soldiers called to a single regiment is larger than any army humanity ever mustered in its history.

I am one of those hundreds of officers, the lieutenant of the Tonitrua Vis division, though not as large as the regiments of the greater Imperial Army, we are still a formidable force that has campaigned over dozens of worlds and have fought side by side the Sons of the Dragon. I am the 7th lieutenant of my division, I have led my soldiers for three years but have fought under the Imperium's flag for fifteen, it was at the end of one of our campaigns when I received the command.

So today I go out once more, orders from the highest echelons straight from Serpens Prime itself. Coming to the recently conquered Minneaut Prime, the Greenskin Empire that infested such a large part of the galaxy had been purged in a fifteen years long crusade led by our most venerable Lord-Primarch. Taking the lives of more than ten thousand sons of the Lord-Primarch and hundreds of millions of my fellow soldiers.

The planetary capital of Aurema was becoming more and more befitting of such a name as the engineers of the Techtites have ceaselessly worked day and night to remake the image of the city into one of supernatural grandeur and excellence that gleamed on every planetary capital touched by the grace and miracles of the Wyverns.

It was in the growing luster and beauty of Aurema that we were met by the mysterious purplish ooze of the gigantic portal known only as The Portal, it was large enough for three Swiftshields to enter side by side.

In quick succession, a quarter of the levitronixes were already across the portal with a few of the Swiftshields with the Scutum Praesidium behind the procession of metal.

It was then when one of my soldiers, a scout, had asked for my presence, one of my Praefecti had first been speculative of the need of my presence but I shot down his worry with a quick glance.

Stepping out of the Scutum Praesidium, I took in the fresh air of this world, it was fresher than any other I had ever stepped on. The grass of the hill where The Portal was located on was an experience I knew I would remember for a while, it was the first time in a while I had ever stepped on grounds that was not a battlefield.

It was only a few moments of walking did I come face to face with one of the Sons of the Dragon. Unlike the other Astartes of the Emperor, the Wyverns aura are more accepting of us mortals, I have fought with both the Ultramarines of Ultramar and the Sons of Horus of Cthonia and their auras were of that of absolute dread and fear.

I immediately went from my guards and knelt as was expected of us. I addressed him as Lord and let my head fall to look at the ground. It was then that the Lord addressed me and told me to stand, he reaffirmed my mission as well as the importance and significance of it to, not just the Dragon, but to the entirety of the Imperium, the entirety of the human race.

It was then that the Astartes welcomed me to the name of this world, Falmart, and we were sent off. As the levitronix went ahead of the entire division, at speeds times faster than that of the swiftshields, the division moved out of the coming-to city.

Looking out, I could see the workmanship of the Wyverns, it was rare for me to see the bustling cities that were made from the hands of the Veniam of the Wyverns, more so than that of my eyes ever witnessing the miracles and 'magic' of the Techtites' Tech-Cities. The homes were made with the sturdiest of the cheapest of materials while the walls surrounding the city were thick walls that spoke of the expertise of the Wyverns on defense-creation, though still nothing compared to what the Imperial Fists have conjured from their minds.

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