Peace and Quiet

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"What about the rest of them?"

Soichiro asked about the villagers of another village apart from the ones going to be sent to Amarkun.

"I had nearly forgotten about them. Though I extend them the same offer of food, water and shelter at Amarkun. Please do tell them that, if they so desire so then they must only wait here with the rest of the villagers."

Antonius replied.

"I understand, I shall tell them of the offer immediately."

Though before Soichiro walked off to the HMV where the refugees were, Octavi had a few words for him.

"I must tell you, though, that the short old man with the blue-haired woman are important 'assets,' so to speak, to my Legion. So I request for you to let them come with us for now then let them decide upon the entry to Alnus."

"May I ask why, Captain?"

"Do you know of magic?"

"Yes. What does that have to do with them?"

"Well to put it simply, they are practitioners of them... Mages, to be frank."

"I see. Then I shall do as you ask."

"Thank you."

With that, Soichiro then walked off to the HMV. Octavi returned to Itami and Antonius, who were staying at the same area where they looked at the resting and mourning peoples. When Itami noticed that Octavi had returned, he called him.

"Um... Captain."


"It may annoy you but would it be fine if you would introduce yourselves to my team and we introduce ourselves to you so that confusion won't happen."

"It does not annoy me. I shall gather up my men at your vehicle in a minute, there we shall properly introduce ourselves."

"Meet you there."

With that, Itami ran off. Octavi notified PAM, through the installed communications device of the Vermis Arma, to gather the team at the HMV. As Octavi finished informing PAM, Antonius walked next to him while continuing to stare at the fading form of Itami.

"Why do we need to do such things? It is a rarity for us to meet guardsm- I mean soldiers like them again. Forgive me, they just look like the guardsmen of the Imperium quite a tad bit too much, don't you agree?"

"I do agree, their weaponry not so much but their uniforms and tactics are quite similar to a few regiments."

"Well. Let's get to the vehicle."

"Let us."

With that last conversation, Octavi and Antonius walked off to the direction of the HMV. Thirty seconds later and the JSDF and the Verbum Quadrigis stood in attention as they prepared to introduce themselves.

"The Lieutenant and I took it to ourselves to have proper introductions after our informal meeting. To make it easy for all of you to understand us, we shall speak in our version of English. So I shall start first, I am Captain-Diplomat Octavi Augi of the second Quarter of the Word Column of the Second Cohort of the Steel Wyverns Legion of the Imperium of Man."

"I am Soldier-Diplomat Tenaerys Orion of the first Quarter of the Word Column of the second Cohort of the Steel Wyverns Legion of the Imperium of Man."

"I am Merchant-Diplomat Emeretum Julium of the first Quarter of the Word Column of the Second Cohort of the Steel Wyverns Legion of the Imperium of Man."

"Tech-Marine Rumus Irdent of the Students of Science Column of the Second Cohort of the Steel Wyverns Legion of the Imperium of Man."

"Apothecary Filius Alvern of the Sorcerer-Doctors Column of the Second Cohort of the Steel Wyverns Legion of the Imperium of Man."

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